The Two Sisters

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"Are you LiMei?" MaSha asked Tigress. Her eyes sparkled with hope as she stared at the teenager. Tigress's smile didn't falter, looking at the young tiger before her. MaSha was actually her little sister. She had someone by blood she would love and care for. It would take some time but...she would give MaSha all the time she could.

"Yes." Tigress finally answered. MaSha smiled widely at her response. She wanted to jump up and hug Tigress but the smallest move would open her wounds and send her in a hell of pain. Tigress noticed how MaSha was itching to move but the fear of hurting herself stopped her. Instead Tigress sat on the bed beside her and gave her a small side hug. MaSha leaned against her newfound sister, feeling safe for the first time in her life.


The next few days had begun to be spent searching for the remaining two children. MaSha had given them good information on where they could possibly be.

Emperor Kang Zi was once again surprised to learn that a forgotten area of his city was still being lived in. It wasn't just Daiyu and MaSha's house that was being lived in. There had been a few families around the area as well. As the four warriors searched Daiyu's house, Kang Zi and his men searched for families living there. He couldn't believe that his father had never told him about the poor parts of the city. He supposed he was at fault as well as he too didn't pay much attention to the area.

The Furious Five were shocked to see the living situation MaSha had been living in for what could have been years. The small home was filled with trash, feces and even bones. Mantis stood next to a skull, not really wishing he had seen it.

"Daiyu really had the poor girl living in these conditions?" Mantis frowned.

"Who allowed that woman to have children?" Monkey stepped around the skeletons. Tigress frowned looking at the home's conditions. MaSha had been living among skeletons and likely hers and her mother's feces. It was absolutely disgusting to even walk amongst it all. Tigress walked more into the house, the mess only getting worse and worse. She could see dozens of Scrolls on what she assumed was the dining table. Opening one of them she could see it was all information on MaSha's powers.

MaSha's Chi seems to be like no others. Hers has become deadly dangerous, taking the form of a red tiger before attacking its victim. She seems to be getting more and more powerful with each victim I bring her. Soon she'll be able to take on the Masters of The Jade Palace on my behalf. Master Oogway will pay for kicking me out and fulfilling my destiny.

"Hey Tigress!" Crane called out to her. "Think you can see anything in this room?" Tigress put the scroll down and walked over to him. He stood at the door of a very dark room, her eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness inside. As she made her way through the room she could only see patches of blood on the floor. In the center of the room she spotted a large cage, its bars covered in burnt marks. Inside it, laid two unconscious missing children. They seemed to be unharmed but were clearly struggling to breathe. Tigress quickly knocked the door open, being quick enough to catch it before it fell to the floor before it could hit the kids.


MaSha wasn't sure what to say to the three new adult tigers in front of her. Tigress had said she could trust them but she was still unsure. She had never seen them before and her father had never mentioned them either. Or maybe she was too young to remember her father saying anything about an extended family. Either way she missed Tigress. She knew for sure Tigress was her sister, she did not know these three tigers.

"Are you hungry?" Jiao sat on a chair beside her bedside. She held a plate of noodles. MaSha didn't say a word and shook her head. Jiao frowned at her response.

"Look, MaSha," Cong sat on the other side of her bed. "I know we look like total strangers to you but I promise we just want to get to know you." She smiled softly.

"Yeah kiddo." Shui stood at the foot of her bed. "We don't bite. We promise." Shui smiled.

"I might." MaSha whispered softly enough for the three siblings to hear. Oh boy. The sudden sound of the room's doors directed the four tigers' views towards it, revealing Tigress and the rest of the warriors walking in. "Tigress!" MaSha smiled. Tigress smiled back walking over to them.

"Hey MaSha." The Five Warriors stood over the bed, Jiao moved so Tigress could be closest to her.

"Did you find the kids?"

"We did." Tigress sat beside MaSha, who immediately leaned against her. It was sweet to see MaSha feel such peace. She had more color in her fur than the first day the five warriors had brought her in. It didn't take long for MaSha to slowly fall asleep in her sister's arms.


"Do you have to go?" MaSha frowned, her ears flat against her skull. It only had been a week since they both learned they were biological sisters and although most of that time had been spent together, getting to know each other, MaSha didn't want to be apart. MaSha was actually getting the opportunity to be a child for once.

"I have a duty to hold at the Jade Palace." Tigress explained. "But I promise I'll visit every year."

"Why can't I go with you?" MaSha frowned.

"You'll be going to the Opal Palace." Shui told her. "You'll get help with your chi."

"It's not chi." MaSha wanted to cross her arms, but she still wasn't allowed to move them. "It's a curse." Tigress smiled sympathetically and wrapped her arm around her.

"Don't worry." MaSha looked up at her. "You'll come home to the Jade Palace as soon as you improve on that power of yours okay?"

"But I want to go with you." MaSha continued to frown.

"And I wish to take you with me. But I can't. Not yet." Tigress held her close. "I'll go visit you every year for your birthday, okay?"


"I promise." Tigress sealed it with a kiss on the cub's forehead, making her giggle.


Several years passed and the two sisters did indeed grow up being close to each other. Tigress would visit MaSha every year for an entire month. At first it was difficult to convince Shifu to allow such a thing but Oogway had advised to allow it.

Today was no different. It had been 10 years since that mission now and 2 years since The Dragon Warrior had finally been selected and Tigress was getting ready to leave for her yearly trip.

"You're leaving again?" Po, the Dragon Warrior and Master Tigress's best friend, stood at her door. His arms crossed as he leaned against the door frame.

"Of course." Tigress had her back turned to him. The Golden Hanfu he had gifted her a few months prior shone from the sun that shined through her open window. "I always leave today."

"But you'll be gone a whole month." Po complained. Tigress turned to look at him and raised a brow.

"I've been gone for much longer Po."

"Yes but that's different. We always go together." Po stood up, walking inside. Tigress looked at him in thought for a moment. She still hadn't told him.

"Want to go with me?" Tigress smiled softly. Po looked at her surprised, even though he was actually secretly wishing she would just tell him where she was going, he liked this option better.

"Really?" He smiled.

"Yeah. It'll be fun." She shrugged. Po's eyes shone with excitement.

"Yes! Let me pack!" Po ran to his room, even though it was seriously across from hers. Tigress chuckled as he tripped over his own feet before he began packing his bag.

Hopefully MaSha won't mind the extra company.


It is complete! Don't worry, this isn't the end of the journey for our dear sisters! 

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