Valley Of Bujiao

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Tigress didn't know how long they had been searching. The whole city was in lockdown and not a sign of MaSha or Daiyu was seen anywhere. They had even sent a scroll to the Jade Palace and nearby villages in hopes that they could somehow help finding them. Tigress couldn't erase the memory of MaSha screaming when she disappeared.

Tigress had failed to protect her. She promised she wouldn't let Daiyu get MaSha. She didn't want to imagine what her mother was doing to the poor girl.

"Where are we not searching?" Tigress groaned in frustration. Her body was screaming at her to get rest but the thought of MaSha being out there alone afraid kept her standing. The Emperor was getting impatient with the lack of results. They still had two missing children, and now a third one that was taken by her very dangerous mother.

Monkey and Mantis were with the guards trying to find a bigger map of the China. Anything that will give them a bigger view and show them of any near by cities Daiyu could flee to.

"What's that?" Mantis pointed a crossed out village. A village that was just a few miles from Beijing.

"That's the Valley of Bujiao." The Guard informed. "No one has lived there in years."

"Then we search there!" Monkey claimed. The Guard nodded and left the room to give orders to his men and women. Monkey and Mantis headed out to find type others. Hopefully they will find them there.


"Let me go!" MaSha cried. Daiyu held her by her collar, almost choking the poor child.

"Quit struggling!" Daiyu growled. MaSha kicked and screamed, trying to desperately break free off her mother's hold. MaSha grabbed her mother's paws and her hands lit up with the unnamed magic. Daiyu screamed from the pain on her paws and let go of MaSha.

MaSha dropped to the floor with a loud thud, her eyes glowing red matching her paws. "Don't touch me." MaSha had tears in her eyes. She was so scared. She had been scared her whole life and she was only six. How long was it going to keep going until her mother finally killed her.

"You little brat!" Daiyu growled. MaSha backed away from her mother finally realizing where they were. It wasn't particularly a room she recognized. She had never been here before and if she had, everything was out of place. There was no light from the outside coming into the building, making it dark and cold. The flames in her paws gave her a bit of warmth. MaSha wasn't sure what to do now. She broke free from her mother but now she had nowhere to hide or run. How do you escape a place where you can't see any doors or windows? Why was her mom so good at hiding those?

"I don't want to be your experiment anymore." MaSha glared at her mother.

"I don't care what you want." Daiyu took a step towards her, frightening the poor girl. "If it were for me, you'd be dead by now." She sneered.

"That's not true." MaSha shook her head unbelievably. Daiyu knew she still had control over the six year old. There was no way she was letting her most successful one get away this time.


The Furious Five an army of guards were running towards the abandoned village at full speed. They weren't sure if they were going to find anything there but it was the closest village they had.

"Everyone see what you can find!" Tigress ordered before they all went different directions. The five warriors desperately searched through the abandoned buildings. Tigress couldn't remember the last time she saw an abandoned building. Much less an entire village. Then again she didn't really travel much outside of the Valley of Peace since she was adopted.

She knocked down the doors of the houses she came across, while still being cautious of any traps that may have been set up. She promised MaSha and it was eating her up that she didn't uphold that promise.


MaSha was once again struggling against her mother. Her powers doing absolutely nothing to her mother anymore as she had used a spell to ward off her powers. MaSha didn't know what to do anymore to scream in pain. Her eyes watered, knowing what her mother was going to do to her.

Unlike her sister and father, due to her powers, MaSha had to go through enduring pain to her body to break down the defenses her powers gave her. MaSha hoped someone would hear her. Anyone. She didn't want to be here anymore. She didn't want to suffer anymore. Why couldn't it end sooner. Why couldn't she have been killed along with her sister and father? Why was she suffering? Just why was her mother doing this? Did she not love her?


The sudden sound of doors breaking down echoed throughout the room catching Daiyu by surprise. MaSha still cried and screamed from the pain her body was feeling. It hurts dad! It hurts! She had no idea what was happening in her surroundings anymore. The pain was getting too much she wanted to succumb to the pain. Perhaps she deserved this pain. She hurt so many people. Destroyed so many lives and families in just a few months. Perhaps she is supposed to die in the hands of her mother.

"Hey, hey stay up." A soft voice suddenly spoke to her. "Don't close your eyes. It's okay." MaSha slightly opened her eyes, everything was so blurry. Her tears clouded her vision as she saw soft amber eyes. MaSha wanted to call her name but the pain only let her scream. It only allowed her to cry tears upon more and more tears.

Tigress carefully lifted MaSha as Monkey untied her from the chair. Viper couldn't look at the poor girl. No one ever thought someone was so evil to this to a child.

The poor girl was tied to a chair with metal chains that were burning from being put into the fire. They tied her hands, legs and even around her neck. Not only that but she had fresh scars of flesh cut from her left paw and her claws had been declawed on both her paws. MaSha cried, feeling the pain from being moved around. Monkey burnt his own hands but seeing the state the girl was in, he didn't care. Tigress cradled MaSha carefully as they left the building. Daiyu screamed with threats to the five as she was being taken away. 

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