Welcome to Beijing

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Po's eyes shone with bewilderment. He had never been to the Capital of China. Seeing how big Beijing was on the map, Po was bouncing in excitement to see it all. So excited that he forgot about how tired he was from the days of traveling. He heard Beijing had some really cool Kung Fu museums, needless to say he wanted to see them all.

Mr. Ping, though, had other plans. "Alright son," Ping began. "Let's go get us an Inn then we can go check out these noodles everyone seems to be so chipper about."

"Noodles?" Po frowned.

"Everyone in the valley was talking about them. Didn't you hear them say they were more delicious and cheaper?" Mr. Ping scoffed. Po pouted. He should have known his dad had an ulterior motive for this vacation and of course it was about noodles. Po sighed as they both headed into the inn. Cus of his size, his dad tasked him with carrying the bags.

Hopefully he'll still be able to visit the Kung Fu museums while they are there.
Tigress couldn't believe how long it had taken them to arrive in Beijing. They had been traveling for 3 days now and were just arriving at the entrance of the grand city. At the entrance stood two water buffalo guards, holding to long spears.

Tigress walked in front of the five and approached them. "Hello," she bowed in respect. "We're the Furious Five from The Jade Palace. We're here by request of Emperor Kang Zi." She presented the scroll to them. The two guards looked at each in confusion. The Jade Palace really sent a bunch of teenagers to deal with their problems? Seriously?

"You are expected at the Imperial Palace." One of them spoke. "Just follow the signs." The two guards opened the gates up for them.

"Thank you." The Furious Five bowed to the guards before going in. They were ready for their first big assignment.

"They're going to die." The second guard predicted, earning a jab in the stomach from the other.

Unbeknownst to any of them, a small shadow watched the 5 warriors walk towards the palace. Her eyes glowed red, like fire. Even with sunlight still out, the young one could hide in the shadows and be undetected by passersby.

The small figure was none other than a young child. A female tiger about 6 or 7 years of age being about 4 foot tall. The little girl is the average small tiger child. Her face markings are beautifully arranged on her fur. She also sported a red strike under her right eye that followed her eye's shape. She watched the 5 warriors with a lot of curiosity, mostly the female tiger. She looked a lot like her mom except with kinder eyes. She wished to get a closer look at her but knew she would be caught if she went any closer and that would make mom angry at her.
The young tigress continued to follow them until they arrived at the palace before disappearing into the shadows. She moved swiftly and was quite fast for her age and size. She would fit it in the small holes an adult usually would not. She headed towards one of the homes in the more hidden part of the city. A place not even the Emperor ventured to. The poorest, less beautiful side of the city. She opened a small door to a large house, where it was very dark and damp. There was a mess of trash and waste everywhere, among other things a young child should not be around in.

"The Warriors from the Jade Palace have made it to the city." The young girl walked into what she thought to be the dining room of the house. In the shadows an older tiger smirked looking down at the young child. The young girl looked afraid of the older tiger, her ears falling flat against her skull.

"Excellent." The Tiger smirked. "Set up the bait."

"But she just got here." The young child protested. "Can't she-""

"SILENCE!!" The little girl whimpered at the older tiger's yelling. "You will do as I say, MaSha. Remember what will happen if you don't." The little girl, MaSha, grew more afraid and looked down at her paws.

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