switch logs for 2/6/22

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First switch: 8:00 am
Oak switched in late for work and got to working for 4 hours, Decay Co con

1:36 pm
Sebs comes to take over and do general chores. Gets part way through before next switch occurs. Teeth Co con

2:08 pm
Teeth switches in as anxiety suddenly increases due to tinnitus flare in one ear. Leaves body motion sick due to long dissociative switch

2:41 pm
Jamie switches in to check body for signs of illness, concludes the feeling is motion sickness due to switches and ear problems, recommends rest and for less switches

4:22 pm
Rapid switching occurs. Decay, Clement, and Cocoa are forced back and forth. Over an hour of this back and forth continues before Clement takes full front and cocoa stays Co con. Decay went to lie down in headspace for awhile.

5:30 pm
Motion sickness lingers, Clement checks work schedule while attempting to get in contact with ?, contact unsuccessful. Clement and Cocoa attempt to figure out what is causing the amount of switching happening. Looking through logs

5:54 pm
Thriff switches in for dinner, night dwelling alters are waking up. Contact with reaper was successful, Clement and Cocoa are currently in a meeting until 6:30- 7:00 pm

7:56 pm
Thriff switched out, Clement recovers front and writes the logs for the night before bed. Juniper is likely to front any moment and then slowly go to bed

In bed by: 11 pm
Additional notes: discovered that a little Co Con'd at work, causing a caretaker scare due to the fact that a little went missing for a short period. This caused a systemwide nervous reaction Leading to switching problems.
All logs today are documented by: Clement Travis Henderson

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