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Thin pale fingers twirl through spiral fiery locks, she lifts a tequila and tonic to her lips. Natasha walked into their favorite bar in midtown with a beaming smile, "you got the job?!"

Bouncing curls fly around a she nods excitedly, "I did. It's perfect. They're so nice and the building insane. The money is more than I ever thought I could make... And my boss," she rolled her eyes and took a drink, "he is so sexy, it shouldn't be legel."

Natasha wiggled for her friend, "I'm so excited for you, it's about time. The boss and the job."

She lifts her drink in the air, "to your new gig and finally leavings Pop's diner."
The two giggled as they lift their drinks, Nat narrows her stare, "so about this new sexy boss."

Poppy shoves her coils from her freckled flushed face, "he just controls the room, but not in a cocky way. The man is just pure sex, and confidence, and makes me want to do the unthinkable."

Nats eyes narrow as her smaller friend as she shovels in her french fries, "and what unthinkable thing is that? There isn't much you won't do."

Sea green round eyes look around and lean onto the table for dramatic effect, "he makes me want to do as he says..." she smirked as she let a chuckle fall from her lips.
Nat's mouth dropped open, "did you actually just...?"

"Whatever it was about this guy, I killed the interview. He seemed excited and curious about the hacking."
Natasha clapped and raised her hand for Max the bartender, "four shots of tequila."

Nat scrunched her face, "you know you can't just immediately sleep with your boss, right?"
The small freckled nose scrunched in response, "oh Natasha, I know this. But the adventure is half the fun." She confidently waved as her friend shook her head.

The shots of tequila are set infront of them, Poppy narrowed her stare, "Nat, are we sure that's a good idea?"

Nat nodded as she winked, running her hands through her short straight hair, "it's Friday and you just got a kickass job. We party," she lifted the shot for both of them and they tossed them back with a tight lip smirk.

Bucky looked at his friend as they gathered their stuff for the weekend. "So, Poppy is beautiful, but you know what you're thinking is a bad idea." Steve mumbled as he looked up at his friend to see how he reacted.

Inked fingers tap along the ebony desk, "yeah, she is a walking contradiction. I had to hire her, but what happens...happens.." Steve looked at his friend with a laced brow, "walking contradiction?"

Bucky let out a laugh as he picked up his guitar case, "she seems sweet as can be but she hacked three different multimillion dollar security systems. She did a year in prison...but she looked and sounded like that. She is shy-ish...but she can't stop herself from talking." They both laugh as Steve recalls the elevator ride.

flirting with fire ⋟ bucky barnes ▪︎ ocHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin