Styles, Can’t talk today. I have things to do. Maybe some other time. See you tomorrow I guess.


P.S. I wish I could put on that smirk for you but not today.


I smiled at the note happy that he would write me back but then my smile started to go away. I could tell that something was wrong with him and I was dying to figure it out but I guess I had to wait for another day.

At least you know that he’s not mad at you though, right? I mean he did say that you could talk some other time and that he wanted to smirk for you. Isn’t that a good thing?

I nodded to myself and walked off to my next class hoping that we would be able to talk soon.

“Oh Summer! I just want to marry you right now! Be mine forever!” I laughed as I mocked Liam.

He lightly punched me in the arm, “Stop it! I do not do that!”

“Do to! You’re all giddy over her!”

“Like you’re one to talk!”

I chuckled, “What are you talking about?”

It was his turn to mock me, “Zayn! I want to have your babies!”

“I do not have a thing for Zayn!”

He raised his eyebrow, “Seriously Haz? Do you think I’m stupid? I know when you like someone and you definitely want to get with him. You have some weird infatuation with that guy.”

“I, uh, he’s…” I sighed, “Ok yea. I kinda like him. But that doesn’t mean that he’s ever going to feel the same way. He’s just so interesting to me.”

“Have you even talked to him yet?”

I scratched the back of my neck and mumbled, “He sorta came over to my house on Saturday.”

Liam’s eyes grew wide, “What?! Why didn’t you tell me this?! What happened?!”

I put my hands up, “Calm down Li. He was in a fight and I just wanted to help him out.”

“You got in a fight too?! What else have you done that I don’t know about?!”

“I didn’t get in the fight. I talked to him after the fight and got him to come home with me so I could clean him up a bit before he went home.”

“Oh. Thank God. You scared me.”

“Do I look like I’ve been in a fight?”

He shook his head, “No. But neither did Zayn. He just looked like crap today. What was his problem?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know. I kinda pissed him off or something on Saturday and he ran away from my house. So I thought he was like that because of me but then I wrote him a note asking if we could talk after school and he wrote me this.” I grabbed the note out of my pocket and handed it to Liam.

He read it and said, “He seems…messed up. Like he wants to hang out but he’s scared to or something. I don’t know what he would be scared of though.”

“I know. That’s something that I have to figure out. Hopefully he’s not lying and he’ll actually talk to me sometime.”

Liam nodded, “Yea. I hope he does. Maybe he just needs some friends or something.”

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