Chapter VI

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Soul without sins, like a story without a lies

After the last meeting, you got separated. Nanami went with one part of the mission and the two teenagers on the other part. That was investigating the only witness of the crime. That poor soul that had to see that was Junpei Yoshino. A high school boy. From what they can see on the secured cameras, they might suspect he is a cursed user. To confirm that theory, they will relies a second grade cruse spirit. This might end badly or really bad. Which didn't sit right with you and Yuji, if he is not a cursed user, you two will have less then 5 minutes to save him, if he is...well there is your bad guy. That was a great plan even perfect but when do things ever go by plan? Exactly, The second the curse was realies. Yuji started running after it. That got a lot of attention and from one specific person, Junpei. So, you had no choice but to introduce yourself to him. Somehow, he looked familiar to you, like a distant memory..but that memory didn't feel yours. You three went on a bench near the river. "Did you see someone at the theather"yuji asked. "No..." Junpei replied, you couldn't place it but those words were the honest trust. "Are you sure, Junpei?" you asked as you looked into his eyes. He took time before he nodded. After that a conversation about movies was brought up, you happily joined in. Until someone's present felt heavy for you. You looked at the bridge from the same direction that doomed energy was coming from, but only saw a guy in a hoodie pass by.

Sometime passed. You and Yuji made a new friend or so Yuji thought. A woman walked by and started yelling for Junpei. Apparently, that was his mom. She invited you both to dinner, you were about to politely decline, when you heard the loudest growl ever. It was Yuji's stomach. "This was so ill mannered of you" you whispered to Yuji as you were already halfway to Junpei's home. "Sorry but at least we got dinner" he replies while rubbing his neck with one hand.

The dinner was fun, mostly jokes and funny stories thrown around. It made you feel nice and welcome. This dinner was nothing like the once at home. Where every word weight more and more. There was a second where you and Junpei were left alone. "They were bullying, weren't they?" you said, surprising Junpei. "What-how did you...?" He was speechless. "The guys at the cinema. That would explain why you hide so preciously the person behind those murders" you continued "Everything comes around Junpei" you say as you stand up and sat on the couch. Sleep takes over you and the next time you opened your eye, you were in the car on your way back. If you only knew that the morning would bring more regret.  

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