Chapter II

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The cursed blessings
The day you were born was a blessing to your parents. You were everything to them. Your mother as a high grade sorceress, put her life on the line many times and it cost her. She couldn't bear children, so the surprise and hope u brought to them was everything. Everything until your first breath, your first presents. Everyone in the room felt it...the horror your soul screamed, the fear in the servants. But they weren't the only once that felt it...the people in power felt it too. The higher ups felt the horror and power you hold, so powerful that even the future became an even darker path than the present. You were a child born with the blessing of the curses. Curses are being created by people's negative emotions, nothing good can come from things created by the darkness itself. This was enough for fear to be born in the higher up, they feared you, they feared an infant. They order your execution. Your father as the head of Shiruba clan threatened with war. He couldn't lose you, after all you were just a baby. To make things worse for the higher ups the Gojo clan allied with Shiruba. The new head of The Gojo clan-Gojo Satoru also known as the strongest sorcerer hated the higher ups, so he saw your father desperation as a good reason to wipe them of the face of the earth. Plus, he was interested in who this little baby is that gossip says can even take his place one day, that is if you survive till then. Anyway, they came to an ultimatum since the higher ups liked their heads on their shoulders. The child will be chained up with different cursed objects and cannot leave the Shiruba residence ever. Three objects hold your soul in chains, hold the darkness deep inside of you. One of those objects was a Sukuna finger. That is until a boy named Itadori decided to eat one of Sukuna's fingers with that he unknowledgly broke one of the chains that held you soul captive.

I opened my eyes to the feeling of silk sheets beneath me. "Was that just a dream" I thought to myself but the sharping pain in my head said otherwise. So, I got the worst possible outcome, my parents found me. Now death didn't look so bad. "Maybe my new found curse energy will easy their anger" I thought as a entered the living room "or not" my father face said otherwise. I sat down. No one said anything. The silence was getting too much so I finally spoke "I beat up a curse, it was actually pretty cool... apparently, I have curse energy and you were worried for nothing" father shoot my glare as I continued "I want to start with training-" mother cuts in "of course honey" I was ready to protest when I heard that they actually agreed "we have someone we would like you to meet" father continued "unforginatly he is always" he signs. Half an hour later a tall man appears at the doorframe. "I am Gojo Satoru, your new sensei" he says that with a wide grin on his face. I on the other hand couldn't believe my eye "Gojo Satoru as in the strongest sorcerer" I said that with my jaw on the floor already" The one and only" he replies. "He will be giving you lessons twice a week" father says, I jumped in excitement "finally" I thought.

It's been weeks since I started my training. I still can't go outside the walls, not until my skills improve drastically. Gojo-sensei says I am a natural. Today he came earlier said something about taking me outside before he entered father's study. I wanted to eardrop, but mother called. What your ear couldn't catch was the conversation Gojo and your father had. That went into rather interesting manner.

"I am taking her with me." Gojo said the second he sat down"What?That wasn't a part of the deal" your father replied, slightly in panic. "The deal was you protect my kid and I teach yours, now who is the breaking the deal again?" Gojo said while looking though his glasses. "That wasn't my fault, the higher ups never tol-"your father gets cut off "I don't want to hear it. Your child is coming with me today" your sensei demanded. Your father was speechless but had no other choice but to agree. Unknown to him Gojo took you as a way to insure Itadori safety. The higher ups were still afraid to go near you and that's exactly what Itadori needed.

I was sitting beneath a tree when I felt sensei's strong curse energy approaching. "Guess who got a one way ticket out of this place?" Gojo said excitedly "No way" my happiness was over the moon.

After training I went to pack my things. The servants helped me back because mother was nowhere to be found, again. As I walk to the main entrance, I see my parents and Gojo-sensei waiting. I get close to say my goodbyes. My parents pulled in tight embrace their eye read "We will do anything to protect you honey. You are our blessing." father says with shaky voice" We will protect you till our last breaths, never forget that" mother added. Why are they acting so weird? it's not like the world is going to end. Anyhow I like this new found affection. On the other hand, gojo-sensie looked like he was mocking them. The goodbyes ended soon, and we were on our way. I can't wait to see this beautiful world...

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