Chapter 6 - Nokay's Gifts

Start from the beginning

Steve shook such strange thoughts out of his head. 'Er... Rose?' he said.

'Yes Steve?'

'I - I think he's sleepy,' Steve said in an attempt to get her attention away from Loki.

Instantly the toddler let out a loud cry, telling the world that he was fully awake. But unfortunately for the god, the plan backfired as Rose hastily put him back in the stroller. Loki sat there pouting as the two elders started conversing.

A while later a waiter came with a bottle of wine and stood right next to Loki's stroller. Greeting Rose and Steve, he started pouring wine in the glasses. Loki smirked and quietly grabbed the waiter's sleeve and pulled. The waiter's hand jerked down and all the wine splattered on top of Steve.

The baby laughed openly as Steve tried to dry his suit, the waiter busy apologizing.

'It's alright,' Steve told him.

'I'm really sorry sir. The washroom's this way.'

Leaving Rose and Loki, Steve followed the waiter towards the washroom.

Rose sighed and just sat there for a while. Then suddenly it struck her - Nokay! She looked at the stroller to find it empty. With a cry she got to her feet and looked around. At first she looked under the table but not finding him there she scanned the restaurant.

On the far side of the restaurant some teenage girls were seemingly celebrating someone's birthday. They all stood around a table, laughing and chatting. Rose's eyes widened when she saw that Nokay was crawling towards THEM.

Before Rose could do anything, Nokay had already reached them (Rose marveled at how fast Nokay could crawl). He came to a halt beside a blonde girl who wore a short dress and stilettos.

Nokay quietly grabbed the heel of her shoe. Rose cursed and rushed towards Nokay. But she was late. The baby grinned and then - crack! He broke the heel.

The girl lost her balance. Immediately she grabbed her companion's arm to stop herself from falling. This prevented her from falling backwards but as luck would have it, she fell headfirst onto the cake.

But that was not all. When the blonde grabbed her companion, her friend too lost her balance and fell backwards, bumping into a waiter. The waiter in turn, dumped all the food he was carrying on an elderly couple sitting nearby.

Rose froze for a moment, gaping at the commotion. After gathering her bearings, she ran, picked up Nokay - who was busy giggling - and rushed back to her seat.

'Why did you do that?!' Rose exclaimed once she was seated again. Nokay smiled and showed her the broken heel that he was still clutching in his tiny hands.

'Oh god,' she muttered shaking her head. She looked back at the sight of disorder. The blonde was still not aware that her sandal was broken. As a result, when she tried to get her face out of the cake, she stumbled backwards and crashed into the table of another couple.

'What happened there?'

Rose looked up to find Steve staring at the commotion.

'Nokay,' she replied.

'What!' Steve started scolding Loki. The god rolled his eyes and absent-mindedly threw the heel away. It fell on a plate of food and the person eating from it cried out in alarm.

'I - er.. I'm really sorry about that,' Steve told Rose as he put Loki back in the stroller.

'It's alright,' she replied.

'So um... what do you want to eat?' Steve asked picking up the menu.

Rose was going through the menu deciding on what to order when suddenly Loki let out an ear-splitting scream. All the people in the restaurant turned towards them. Even Rose and Steve gaped at him as he started wailing as loudly as he could possibly manage.

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