🍰💍A Child?🩸🍷

Start from the beginning

"You're paler than usual, you've been suppressing the need for blood again haven't you. Wilbur, I told you it's fine to use mine." George rubbed the other's wrist as Wilbur just sighed as the brunette rubbed his palms, cheeks, shoulders, and ruffled his curly mop hair. "My Darling, I hate using you as a blood bag. You are so much more to me than using you for my hunger." Wilbur protested as George poked his nose, "And I don't like the idea of also using my people as a blood bag for you. Please just take some, I don't want to wait three weeks for you to wake up." George argued with his husband in defeat, grabbing his wrist, piercing his long fangs down into his skin. Wincing slightly as the jabbing pain through his wrist, not long Wilbur let go and licked the two holes left and wiped his mouth. "There, satisfied my sassy baby?" He asked as George watched his wrist heal from his saliva.

"Yeah, I'm pretty happy now!"

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"But I don't want to father! You can't make me marry a damn vampire and leave to rot!" George argued at his dad, the king of their creatures to this mysterious world. Humans. "George, you are my eldest. You need to be wedded and the vampire lord is growing tension towards us. So stop acting like it's the end of the world because it will be for us if you don't go!" Sam yelled at the other with his own husband beside his desk holding his younger brother's child. "Stop yelling, Tubbo is gonna to start fussing." Ponk hissed out at his family, Quackity was out with his husbands to one of their kingdoms attending a ceremony while leaving their child here to be taken care of.

"Of course you don't think of my feelings. Whatever. I'll marry this dumb Vampire Lord, and get this shit over with." George grumbled storming out of the room and back to his. Packing his own clothing and belonging with anger, grunting things under his breath. How he started to hate his parents like a rebellious teenager. "I know you're mad about this George, but think of the bigger picture please." Ponk came into his room without the baby and came to him helping to pack. "Why is it my job to fix your guys mistakes, just because I have parents who fucked up with people who have strong power doesn't mean I need to be dragged into this. How about think what my child might feel?"

Leaving the castle as quick as he could to meet this 'lord' just fuzzled with his anger, he's only 21 and leaving his life to explore, create, and find out who he wanted to be and do. He may have been a prince going to be the heir, but he wanted more time than this for marriage, and he thought marriage was for love not trying to end a war. "George, please try to understand." Ponk asked as the servants were dragging stuff into an opposite carriage. "It's not like you'll visit me anytime soon." George spat, crossing his arms and tapping his foot on the ground, like an angry rabbit.

"Please be safe, and don't be too rude. Please just save your temper for later." Ponk shouted as George got into the carriage and let the coach take off. "Don't be rude Georgie poo, don't have a bad temper to a man you're going to be married to for the rest of your life Georgie poo!" He mimicked in a high pitched voice while looking out of the window seeing how distant he was going from the castle. "I didn't even get to say goodbye to Quackity. How is he going to react to me being married.." George slumped in his mixed emotions. He didn't want to listen or hear anyone out, his life was being ruined for someone else's mistake.

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Hours slipped by as he rested his head on the side, gripping onto his arms in distress. Wanting a chance to escape the horrible reality he lived in, maybe a lifetime where he could be his own person and meet his own love life. "Your highness? We've arrived at the estate." The coach spoke to him, opening the carriage door. George knew he'd never get that time back and here he was inside a dark eerie castle with blood sucking humans.

"So, you are what Sam offered me?"

Everything changed, it all changed. Maybe for the better.

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"My Lord!" A servant rushed into Wilbur's study room as both of the husbands were up and about sorting out paperwork. "T- The Covens are here." Wilbur got up and grabbed off his coat from his office chair making his way with the servant. "Wilbur what's happening? Wilbur!?" George yelled at his husband running after him. He didn't speak a word towards the other brunette as he followed the servant with the urgent call. "Wilbur, answer me please!" George snapped as Wilbur turned towards his confused lover. "A peace offering, that's all you need to know." Wilbur went back to following down to the throne room, once they arrived.

There was a group of people waiting for them, specifically a dirty blonde man holding onto something as he wore a mask covering his identity. "What do you witches ask for my presence? On such short notice.." He asked as George hid beside his husband as he observed the witches. "We came for a peace offering, and wanted to offer this." The stern voice echoed in the room as someone in the group was dragging a child. "Stop resisting you brat." They spoke as the man in the mask was now holding onto a blonde child. "What is this Dream?" Wilbur asked as he released the child, tossing them to George and him. "We come to give you a child for a peace offering, he's a disgrace to our lands." The masked man chuckled as Wilbur just hummed and motioned the guards to escort them out.

On the other hand George was attempting to approach the child who was shaking in fear of what was happening. It's like the brunette could see himself like that at the beginning, but since nobody offered a hand to him in a time like this, he did. "Don't worry, we don't plan to hurt you at all. I'm a human like you." George smiled crouching down towards the blonde child as he shaked and quivered. "Y-Y-Your lying! Just like t-that mask g-guy did!" He cried out as George sat there waiting in front of him, still with a gentle smile. "George, you should leave him be. He's scared, besides those witches probably feed lies about us. But this child will understand soon." Wilbur said as he walked back to his study room while George and the child sat in the throne room.

"So, do you like any games?" George asked the blonde child as they just sat away from the other as he rocked himself back and forth. "I- I like hopscotch." They muttered as George then requested that a maid would bring them some paper. "Ok! What's your name?" George mentioned his name as he looked up at the brunette and down at the pattern tile ground. "T- Tommy." That was all he said as then George was given papers and crayons from the maiden. "Thank you." As George handed some crayons and paper to Tommy. "Why don't we make our own hopscotch!" As George started to lightly draw numbers and decorate the paper, Tommy watched and hesitated about it.

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"Do you know where my husband is?" Wilbur wondered as he asked his

Marshal as she just giggled at his request. "You should check the throne room, you'd be quite surprised." She responded, while tidying her sash across her torso. "Thank you Niki. We'll catch up on the report later." He thanked the woman as she left the room to her own duties around the castle. The Vampire Lord wondered what happened between George and that child, he never expected Dream to be this low of a life form as to be cruel to offer a child that looks no older than five.

As he approached the room he heard forms of giggles and low thuds hitting the ground, while he looked over the corner his heart melted over the sight. "Are you sure I can't make it?" George asked as Tommy was laughing standing on one foot standing on a number. "Yeah I'm sure Gogy!" The blonde kid watched as George jumped a long distance and sort of wobbled. "And you underestimate me!" With Wilbur smiling approaching the two, Tommy saw him and ran behind George. "No need to worry about Wilbur, he's my husband." George introduced as the vampire came up to him and kissed his lips briefly before going down to the toddler's level. "I wouldn't dream of hurting you. Welcome to the family of Philza Minecraft."

Oh how a loving family had begun.

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