Chapter 8

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Everybody lies: part 1
Maddie's POV

You're probably wondering how from the amazing evening two days ago, I today ended up locked out on the balcony of my uncle's and James' offices with James. While Cuddy and the rest of the team are standing at the door to my uncle's office keeping it locked. And my uncle is standing by the door at James' office keeping his door locked, everyone screaming and yelling "Kiss, kiss, kiss!!" At us. Well, let me start at yesterday morning since the day before that nothing really happened. It was a normal work day and Chase apologized to me and James. But yesterday a lot of things happened.

Yesterday morning:

I wake up and look around to see that James is gone so get up, grab some clothes and head to the bathroom to take a shower. When I'm done I walk to the kitchen to make something to eat. After finishing breakfast and making something to eat at work I look up at the clock seeing that it's already 8:45. Oh god, I'm going to be late again. I quickly grab my bag and run out the front door, since I still don't have a car and my uncle and James are probably already at work I just run down the streets through the snow to get to the hospital as fast as possible.
Once I arrive I take the elevator to my uncle's office, seeing that no one is there I walk to Cuddy's office but she isn't there either. Since I can't find anyone I walk to the clinic where I was supposed to work a few hours today anyways, I grab some files and start helping the patients.

At 4:00 I take my lunch break and walk towards James' office to see if he wants to come with me. I knock on his office door and hear my uncle say "No one is here" so open the door. Guess this is why I didn't didn't find anyone since Cuddy, Chase, Cameron, Foreman and my uncle are all standing around in James' office. James lies on the couch with tears in his eyes but quickly gets up and hugs me. "Maddie I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry". I hug him back, not knowing what happened but seeing him cry like that really breaks my heart. While hugging him I see Cuddy giving me a sad look from behind James. "It's best if you three take the rest of the day off". My uncle nods his head, I kiss James' cheek "I'm going to grab my stuff, I'll be back in a minute alright?" James softly nods and walks towards his desk to grab his own things while my uncle and I walk out.

Once we're in my uncle's office he closes the door and looks at me and softly says. "Wilson forgot to take his antidepressants and it didn't go all too well". I shoot him a confused look. "I'm sorry I don't know if I heard that part well, his what?" My uncle shoots me an annoyed look. "Yes you heard that right. Come on Maddie you can't expect him to be the superhero he wants to be. He divorced three times and his best friend is me, what did you expect?". "I don't expect anything, I just don't want him to destroy himself for others their well-being. I just wish he told me or that I could help him in some way". "You can, let's just go home so he can take them and let him get some rest. He will be alright".

I put on my jacket, grab my bag and we walk out of the office. James is already waiting in the hall, I grab his hand and we walk outside. At the cars my uncle gets into his own and James pushes the key into my hand, not saying anything and getting into the passenger seat. When we arrive at home James takes off his coat and flops down on the couch, I also take off my jacket and grab James a blanket that I put over him. "Is there maybe something else I can do?" He shakes his head, my uncle walks towards the bathroom and comes back with the pills handing them, and a glass of water to James. He takes them and lies back down, turning away from me. "Do you want me to stay here or would you rather have me go to my room so you can get some rest?" He doesn't bother moving and bluntly says "Go away". I pet his hair, kiss his head and leave to my room. Once in my room I turn on the tv, sit on my bed and cry. I understand that he didn't tell me since he always wants to play the hero, but I just really wish he did. I would have tried to help him and show him more that I'm here for him, but now it just feels like he lied to me, and is angry with me for not noticing. After an hour or two it's 8:00 in the evening and I fall asleep.

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