chapter 3 My First Year

Start from the beginning

"He won't suspect anything I am sure."

"But how to use it?"

Fred and George used everything they could but nothing seemed to work. Days went by and they lost all hope of success.

"I told you it is just a piece of paper."

"Maybe you were right. Here George, hold it" Fred said giving him the parchment.

"It's better you study hard."

"Now that job is pretty hard."

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

"Yeah but.....hey! What just happened to the paper?"

"It worked!"

"Good job Georgie."

"Marauder's map?"

"A map that shows every detail of Hogwarts!"

"It also shows everyone and where they are."

"Ready for some more pranks Georgie?"

"Ready when you are."

Now, it became a herculean task for people to catch Fred and George. You think I was never the victim? If so, then you are very wrong. Fred pranked me once. I was just walking down the corridor when I met Jacob, a Ravenclaw.

"Hey! You are Daniela, right? I am Jacob Mackenness."

"Hi! Jacob. Do you have transfiguration now?"

"Yeah, I am heading there."

"So, have you completed the homework?"

"About that, I want to ask you something."

"Go ahead."

"Do you know the switching spell?"

"Yeah, I had written it last night let me show you."

As soon as I opened my parchment, stinksap sprouted from it and landed on my face. That was the most embarrassing moment of my life. One should try out this method in front of handsome guys to avoid having boyfriends. Yes, Jacob was a handsome guy with jet black hair and electric blue eyes.

"I am gonna kill Fred and George."

"I know a spell to remove it. Stay calm. Scorgify!"

"Thanks a lot."

Then he gave me his dazzling smile as I continued my opinion on the irritating Weasely twins. His smile was cute though. That was our brief introduction. As for the twins, George denied having done a prank and I couldn't accuse them without a proof. Feeling exhausted, I came to my dormitory and threw myself on my bed.

"What happened this time?" Alicia asked me.

"What else? Fred and George did a prank on me and embarrassed me in front of Jacob."

"Jacob? U mean the handsome Ravenclaw?"


"Daniela, George didn't prank you Fred did."

"How do you know about it, Angelina?"

"Fred told me."

I forgave them and they promised me that they would never prank me again. Our lovely year ended and our results were out. My result was much better than I had imagined and Jacob got the highest score in our year. Everyone passed that year, yeah even the Weasely twins. Soon, it was time for our end-of-year feast and we all gathered at the great hall. Guess who sat beside me? Angelina! Not George. He sat between Lee and Alicia already excited about joining Quidditch next year. Fred seemed very interested in Angelina and I was feeling left out. At that very moment, god felt pity on me and sent Jacob to our table and he patted me on my shoulder. I turned around and stood up just to see a really handsome guy smiling at me.

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