Ch 2, Part 4

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Rantaro's POV

Everybody is talking to each other now, seeing as we basically have nothing else to do down there. I don't know how long it has been yet, but so far, it seems like we've been down here forever.

All of a sudden, Monokuma appeared and interrupted everybody's conversations.

"Well helloooo students! How are we doing so far?"

"GAAAAAH!! H-How did you get down here?!" Miu screamed.

"Puhuhuhu! Maybe I used a bit of Himiko's magic, who knows!" Monokuma chuckled.

"That's not funny. Now get to the point. Why are you here?" Ryoma questioned brusquely.

"Well, I came to announce an update to the motive!"

"Update to the motive? What 'updates' could there possibly be?" I asked.

"Well, I've decided to include the people who aren't imprisoned in the motive too! If nobody kills, they die as well!"

"W-What?! That's BS!" Kaito exclaimed.

"For once I agree with him. If you're going to include them too, why did you even put us down here in the first place?" Maki questioned.

"To cause more despair, of course! If you lot don't get to see each other before death, one of them is bound to kill! I mean, that was the point of the motive anyway, but it makes it more intense!"

I couldn't believe what Monokuma was saying. If nobody killed, the other half of us would die too? Meaning..

Kaede would die too.

..Why is Kaede the only thing on my mind?

"But there's still more to it! If you kill and win the trial, you get to choose somebody to escape with you!"

"Wait, really? We can take whoever we want with us?!" Miu asked, with more excitement than she probably should've had.

"Yep! You heard me right! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll leave you be so I can monitor the other students!"

Monokuma left after, and everybody could feel the tension in the room.

Maki laid back down on her assigned mattress. "Sooo.. we're screwed."

Kaede's POV

24 hours later..

It's been a full day since the motive was announced. The new motive has left everyone in suspense. Nobody wants to kill, but some people are starting to think it's the only way.. Like Kiyo for example. "What else are we to do if we want to save ourselves? It's better one person gone than everyone." He said.

But I still haven't lost hope. Not yet, at least. We may not have much time left, but I know there has to be something we can do.. Right?

Kokichi has been spending all his time in his room doing who knows what. I would like to assume he's coming up with a way to save everyone, but let's be honest, you never know with Kokichi.

I was sitting around in my room brainstorming ideas until I got a knock on my door. I got up and opened it to see Kiibo.

"Hey Kiibs! What are you doing?"

"Kaede, it's urgent. I need your help."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Tsumugi is missing."


Before I knew it, I was running around the school looking for Tsumugi with Kiibo by my side.

"When did you last see her?!" I asked Kiibo, yelling.

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