Is this love?

Mulai dari awal

In Jubellain's room 

Jubel pov

Hmmm, I think I'll go with Marquis hesson's son, Mikhail

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Hmmm, I think I'll go with Marquis hesson's son, Mikhail.( yes, but he will die early due to the one good thing—I'm not spoiling it for you guys)

Father really loves me and only me, but why? Why doesn't he give the same amount to Medea or dekis? Is it because I have the sliver-moonstone hair and galaxy like eyes as medi described it. Haizzz, I'm overthinking. Let's just get some rest for now.

Back to castilla manor now where Eros has left.

Medea's pov

These fragile arms. Her modest stature, and even a single breath from a lips is so falteringly sweet. "Pardon me..Lady Psyche. I have something to confess." A maid said. 

In a trembling and guilt-ridden voice... she confessed that she had been spying for the Solon family. She said she had no choice in order to pay the medical bills for her ailing brother... and told that it was Lady Medea that killed the knight and the servant. She confessed everything. She must have thought the tables had been turned because of just happened.

"I'm sorry. I had no idea. How difficult it must have been for you." I said in a,ughhh, cute voice. Psyche when she does this is irritating, when jubel does this I used to despise it but overtime I learned this was how my angel was. She wasn't like me. Nor cruel, nor too kind-stupid. Yes, jubel is very kind but she is not stupid like psyche. There was a fine line between stupidity and kindness, but psyche had long gone crossed it. "My lady...." The maid sobbed.

At first, I thought to cut her tongue out and feed it to the dogs.. but I decided to leave her fate in the hands of the divine. When morning comes...and I go back to being a Solon, I will kill her.If not, she lives.

It was morning. I put my hand up in the air and thought, she is lucky. I clenched my hand, Now I am certain. We must have switched places...Because god has heard my prayer.

In the Solon mansion..

Medea's bedroom 

Psyche pov

I was sitting on the bed hugging my knees and crying. Is this the will of the empire's guardian deity? I only have one year until the next day of prayer. However, it's not certain we'll switch back. I didn't pray for this to begin with. Mother, highness... what am I supposed to do if I have to live my life as Lady Solon for the rest of my life?

She has many enemies.

She has many enemies

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Your throne x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang