Chapter 6: Surprise

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I was woken by the base's evacuation siren and the commander screaming something over the loudspeakers. 'A massive Siren fleet led by one Arbiter and her corresponding Enforcer has been spotted closing on the base! They're about to fire their lasers at us; evacuate as fast as you can!'

Obeying the commander's orders without hesitation, I ran out of the dorms to the evacuation point located on the side of the island opposite to the docks. Shortly after I arrived, there was a point of light on the horizon which rapidly increased in size. We watched in horror as Siren lasers raked across the commander's office and personal quarters, the dorms, cafeteria, docks and depot.

Very few buildings survived the initial attack. Their remains began to crumble in large clouds of dust. Visibly shaken, the commander regained his composure and focused our attention on himself before issuing his orders. I was still in shock but did my best to listen carefully. 'I want Brisbane, Kawakaze and Takao to focus on the Arbiter. The rest of you are to target the Enforcer. Make sure you prioritise your safety above all else.' With a round of nods, we shot off around the island and towards the Sirens. At some point I ended up leading the charge.

Sticking to our orders, we fought our way to the Arbiter and her Enforcer. I lead the way around mass-produced Sirens, cutting others down and even running over a few. I had to trust that the others were keeping up with me. There wasn't much time for me to think about what I was doing so I had to have complete faith in my instincts.

When we finally reached the Arbiter and her Enforcer, I wasted no time charging the Arbiter and I targeted her joints, like I had with Enforcer Harvest. Every time I got close, the Enforcer blocked my attack. The others were having the same luck. When they attacked the Enforcer, the Arbiter would leave us to protect her ally. We tried attacking together but the Sirens stuck together as well. Then I had an idea. I just needed an opportunity. Thankfully, it didn't take long for one to appear.

Brisbane was sailing in between the Arbiter and Enforcer. As quickly as I could, I moved out of the Arbiter's line of sight. This caused her to target Brisbane. She seemed to understand my plan because she didn't move out of the way until the last second. This caused the Arbiter's lasers to hit her Enforcer. The Siren was vaporised instantly.

Taking charge of the situation, I spoke into my radio, 'Atago, Izumo, Kaga and Taihou are to target the rest of the Siren fleet. Brisbane, Takao and I will continue fighting the Arbiter.' Unfortunately, issuing orders distracted me from the Arbiter long enough for her to fire lasers at me. I couldn't dodge all of them, so I blocked the last one with my katana. When the laser finally dissipated, the tip of my katana had cracked.

Now angry, I decided to use Brisbane as bait again. Just as the Arbiter was about to fire, I rushed in and cut the barrels off her rigging. The massing energy in the barrels exploded; something I had not considered. The explosion forced me to the water and burned the exposed parts of my skin. I tried to get up, but my ankle was overflowing with pain.

I couldn't stand properly but that didn't mean I was out of the fight. My knee was a good enough foot substitute, so I dashed around in a kneeling position until I was behind the Enforcer. I charged her again and this time I managed to cut her head off, which Brisbane disintegrated. Circling around, I stabbed at the Arbiter's back, but the cracked tip of my katana had fallen off, denying me a successful attack. At that exact moment, a salvo exploded against the Siren's chest, forcing her onto my katana.

The adrenaline was starting to wear off, meaning I had to find something to help me stand. A quick glance told me there was nothing, so I summoned my ship and collapsed onto the deck. Pulling myself into a sitting position, I targeted the remaining Sirens with my guns while staying at range.

The battle was finally over and the others met up with me on my ship after summoning theirs. Atago rushed off to find a first-aid kit while Brisbane made her report to the commander. 'Siren force destroyed. Minor injuries except for Kawakaze's mild burns and sprained ankle. Atago is treating her. End transmission.'

Atago returned and quickly bandaged my ankle before attaching it to a temporary splint made of a pipe and more bandages. That splint was pretty smart. She rubbed an ointment on my burns before bandaging them as well. Some of my cuts from the previous battle had reopened so they had to be bandaged too.

We returned to the remains of the base where the commander boarded my ship. He gathered us on the deck and said, 'alright, girls, we're going to head to HQ. We'll be stationed there permanently alongside the main fleet. In the meantime, get some rest. You did a great job out there today.'

This whole ordeal had to be because of the curse; there's no way we would encounter two large Siren fleets in just a few days otherwise.

After unsuccessfully trying to get the rest the commander wanted us to get, I went looking for him; I was in the mood for his company. I didn't have to try very hard because I could sense the general location of his presence on my ship. The most difficult part was somewhat painfully limping over to him.

I found the commander standing at the very rear of my ship, his hands on the railing. He appeared to be deep in thought while gazing back at the others' ships as we sailed away from the base. I managed to limp to his side without him noticing and asked, 'are you okay?'

The commander jumped and his head snapped down to look at me. 'Oh, it's you, Kawakaze. You scared me.' I chuckled as he sighed. 'Honestly, I've been better. A lot better.' That's pretty obvious.

'I thought so. I was wondering why you have appeared to be indifferent about losing the base after the initial shock.'

Another sigh. 'I'm trying to put up a calm and composed front for you girls. I know it probably doesn't help much but I believe that those under one's commander perform better when their leader is composed.' I understand.

I hummed in agreement and he continued. 'But behind that front I'm a complete mess. I'm buried under piles of work and I've just lost a base and most of my belongings with it.'

'If you need help with your work, you could assign a secretary.'

The commander ran his hand through his hair. 'I would if more of it was paperwork. Thanks for the offer, though.'

I nodded. 'How mad do you think the Admiral will be when he finds out we lost the base?'

'I already gave him a brief summary. I'm pretty sure he doesn't mind too much. He understands, at least.'

'That's good.' Now I can rest easier.


We lapsed into a comfortable silence as the sun began to set. 'What work have you been busy with?'

Yet another sigh. 'The usual paperwork. I've been helping to sort out stuff for retrofits as we have enough resources for three, I've shared and come up with theories and strategies for use against the Sirens and now I've had to sort out our reassignment. That stuff takes a lot longer than it seems.'

I nodded as Atago shouted something from somewhere behind us. 'Kawakaze, you need to stay off your foot so your ankle heals faster!' I whipped around to see her leaving my ship's bridge. She's good at being exactly where she needs to be.

The commander chuckled and said, 'C'mon, let's sit up there.' He was pointing to the top of my rearmost turret. It should be easy enough to get there. I tried to limp over to it when the commander leant down slightly and wrapped my arm around his shoulders. 'I'll help you.'


Once perched on the turret, we were once again in more comfortable silence until the commander spoke up. 'Thanks for listening to me, Kawakaze.'

I shook my head. 'Consider it repayment for having to listen to me yesterday.' I should do more to make that repayment fairer.

The commander turned to me with a grin on hisface. 'Will do.' He turned back to watch the sunset. I never really had aninterest in watching it but I understand why people like it now that I'm doingit myself. We stayed there until after the sun had set and were lying back onthe turret, stargazing, when the commander stood, stretched, and helped me up.'We should get to bed; we'll get to HQ pretty early tomorrow morning.'

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