Hate comments - Hyung line

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Fem reader

(Tw: Racism and Colourism)

This chapter will be a bit different. Y/N has never had a specific race or nationality but in this chapter, Y/N will be a foreigner. So, they'll be anything but Korean and from Korea. (Also, I'm black, white and native american.. So, I am not really comfortable with typing out any offensive things that have been used against any other groups but I will try as hard as I can to still make it match this chapters theme. )

Bangchan/African American reader-

Comment section: Hyunjinstwerkingllama125: "I can't believe he'd date a d*rkie like you

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Comment section:
Hyunjinstwerkingllama125: "I can't believe he'd date a d*rkie like you."
Likematestopprocrasinating: "She's actually pretty.. For a black girl."
Stepouthellowearebabyphotos: "This is your type?!🤮"
Changbinswife: "Shes so pretty!!❤️"
Jisungnumber1allrounder: "Guess I'm ot7 now.."
-Reads you only the sweet comments he sees
- "Sometimes stay.. I'm disappointed in you guys. This is one of those times."
- Turns off the vlive in disgust
- "Babe it's okay.", You say trying to calm chan.
- "No it's not. I can't believe anyone would say things like this and someone.", Chan says upset. "The things they said about you were not okay.", Chan said highly disappointed in the comments he read.
"Look, there will always be people who don't like me.. but, as long as I've got you.. 괜찮아요." , Chan smiles at what you said and gives you a big hug.


Minho/White American reader

Comment section:Seungminsday6obsession: "You have horrible taste

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Comment section:
Seungminsday6obsession: "You have horrible taste.. dating a person of her kind."
Your behaviourissough: "I bet she's racist."
Streammaniacyoubum: "Ew, you're dating a coloniser?!?"
only4innie: "But.. she's white.. ?"
Jypoppa4lifers: "You like people like her? Yikes."
Hyunjinsblackqueen: "NOT YOU DATING A YT GIRL-" -
현진내사랑: "역겨운.."


*After the live* 

-"Why does your race even matter to them? They're more shocked by that than the fact that I'm dating.", he says.
"Not sure, some people are just weird.", you reply.
".. and why do they keep calling you a YouTube (YT) girl?"
You couldn't help but laugh at the puzzled boy.  "Why are you laughing? These people are very stupid.", Minho said upset. "Let's not worry about those people. As long as you like me for me, no one else and their opinion matters.", you say with an assuring smile. "So I don't have to fuss them out?", Minho asks. You laugh, "Nope. It's just fine.", you reply back.

Changbin/Hispanic reader

Changbin/Hispanic reader

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Comment section

Queenmatroshyka: "Is she illegally in Korea too?" 

Chandafoiveyearoldaussie: "I didn't know you like tacos.." 

Wemakestraykidsstay: "She's so pretty." 

(Sorry this so short, I'm not comfortable with writing more.)


*After the live*

"They're kind of right about the taco one.", Changbin says making you upset that he'd agree with the comment. "You're definitely a snack.", Changbin says with a smile on his face. You hit his shoulder. "OMG. YOU SCARED ME.", You say shocked thinking he really meant it. He laughs and you hit him again, "You're not funny Changbin.", you say sulkily. "I just told the truth.", Changbin said turning to his computer. You roll your eyes at him and smile.

Hyunjin/Native American reader

Hyunjin/Native American reader

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Comment Section

Hyunjinlovesytgirls: "Yes sir. Yes sir, chief."

Sassyhyunjin: "Why is her skin like that?"

Skzantiandproud: "Inj*n"

LostFetuses: "Her hair is so beautiful oml.."

Straykidsworlddestruction: "Kunta Kinte"


*During the live*

"Kunta Kinte?? I get that you're trying to be racist but.. that's the wrong race-", You say kunfused by this commenters stupidity. "WHO'S MESSING WITH MA BABY?!", Hyunjin says pouting and averts his eyes from the watermelon (You guys were making 화채.) to the comment section. "wow.. I didn't expect something like this from stays.", Hyunjin said visibly disappointed. "If you guys really were true stays, you wouldn't talk about someone I love like that.", Hyunjin said shaking his head in disgust. "Hey.. it's okay.. Their comments don't really bother me.",you say assuringly. "Well they bother me..", Hyunjin said before turning off the live. You look down at your fingers and thought about it. After about 2 minutes of silence, you finally spoke. "Wanna go get some ice cream and run away from our problems together?", you asked Hyunjin. He chuckled. "How can I pass up on that?", he said smiling at you.

A/N: THIS WAS HORRIBLE. WHAT WAS I THINKING WHEN I WROTE ANY OF THIS CHAPTER.  Also, If YOU guys liked this chapter, I'll do a part 2 with a Japanese reader, A Biracial reader (Half Black and Half Chinese) , A German reader and A Thai reader.

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