The Pathway

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Book Title: The Pathway


Step 1: Stay inside
Step 2: Lock all doors
Step 3: Never whisper at night
Step 4: Never go into the woods alone
Step 5: Never say or think of its name
Step 6: Never open the door if it's not human
Step 7: __________________________

14-year-old Aurora, and her family, recently moved to a small town. Her parents decided to get away from the city by moving into a small ranch house in the middle of woods, to get away from the noisy, polluted, over populated environment. They can now live in peace, or so they thought. Little did they know, that place isn't what it seemed to be...

See what I saw through my eyes and listen closely. (Based on true events).

Username: @BevvTv
Mature: Not really
Status: Ongoing
5 chapters (but aiming for 10)

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