The explosions rock the ground as The Allies move back.

A few minutes later, Tommy comes running out, diamond sword drawn.

Dream smirks and swings his axe.

The rest of The Resistance comes out and they begin to fight.

"Sapnap, Punz" Nightmare taps them both.

They both stop and swing around to her.

"Stay close to Dream, I just have a feeling"

They both nod and move closer until they're battling close to Dream.

Tubbo gets a slash in his leg and Ant moves in to grab him.

Tommy pushes Dream off and runs towards Tubbo.

Dream shoots an arrow and it hits Tommy in the calf.

Tommy collapses but his charge distracted Ant enough for Tubbo to run.

"Hey Tommy" Dream whispers quietly. "Feel like giving up?"

"You wish, prick" Tommy hisses.

Quackity leaps down and strikes Dream with his sword.

Dream blocks the hit and goes back to Tommy but Fundy and Jack both ambush him at the same time.

Taken by surprise, Dream's axe is knocked out of his hand.

Fundy kicks Dream to the ground and flips off his chest plate with the heel of his boot.

Tubbo gives Tommy a healing potion and Tommy gives a cough before standing up.

He smiles and walks over to Dream.
Quackity grabs Dream's axe.

The fighting has stopped, all his allies watch.

Nightmare's fingers go to find three discs. She palms them.

"This is your great leader!" Quackity shouts. "You will watch him die"

"Yeahh!" Tommy punches his fist into the air.

Dream breathes heavily.

Shit. Now what? Tommy's not a killer. He doesn't have it in him. I can't threaten him though.

Dream's eyes flicker towards Quackity holding the axe. He smiles.

"Tommy if you will," Quackity moves forward with the axe.

"Don't you want the revival book?" Dream asks.

"I don't fucking care" Quackity sneers. "It's caused me nothing but pain"

"That's true, but I know why you want it, he'll be terribly disappointed if you don't revive him"

Quackity's eyes widen and he stops.

"H—how do you know?" He whispers.

"I just do" Dream smirks. "You won't get what you want from him. You'll lose your chance forever this way"

"Quackity he's trying to manipulate you!"Foolish yells from across the field.

Quackity blinks rapidly.

"You're right!" He strides over and hands Tommy the axe.

Tommy grasps the heavy axe.

"Any last words Dream?"

Unknown to anyone else, behind Dream's smile, is fear. He grits his teeth together.

This is it. Why did I not plan better? They knew about the plan. Sam told them.
I'm gonna die.

Tommy raises the axe over his head.

Nightmare puts her fingers around two discs and gets ready to throw them.

Not at the hands of my brother. Not like this. It's his life or yours, I choose yours.

The axe blade comes down and Nightmare is about to release the disc but the axe is knocked away with a clang.

It falls to the side, a trident, buried in the sand next to it.

"What?" Tommy glances around confused.

Everyone else is confused as well, where did the trident come from?

The trident soars back to owner.

A lone figure on the hill.

A black fingerless gloved hand grabs the trident and points it at them again.

They wear a short cropped green hoodie, black jeans, and knee high combat boots.

A sword is strapped to their back and their long blonde hair flows down.

A smiley face mask is placed on the side of their face showing their sparking green eyes.
Sparkling with danger.

"Leave my brother alone" she calls in a commanding tone.

"Drista?" Dream and Tommy ask at the same time.


Hold up, how does Tommy know about Drista? 😏

Left you on a cliffhanger haha

And yes, some of you were right.

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒩𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓈 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now