"Sorry Nitta," Asumi said smiling declining her call.

With Nitta-

"Come on, pick up the phone!" Nitta yelled in her car trying to contact Asumi. She was only met with the voicemail beep.

"Why aren't you picking up Asumi?!"

Back to the fight-

'If it's a technique, we just need to make them release it!' Yuji thought to himself.

"So it is poisonous." He confirmed.

"The result is essentially a poison, but our technique is purely "decomposition." The older curse said.

'I've finished revealing our technique, Now they'll die even faster.' The older curse stared down at them.

"So, what will you do now?"


'At the beginning of the Meiji Era, a girl with a unique trait allowed her to bear a cursed spirit's child. She conceived a child with no recollection of how, and the criticism she endured from her parents and relatives was extreme.

She fled with the corpse of her baby in her arms, ending up at a temple run by a certain jujutsu sorcerer. However, that was where her luck ran out. Kamo Noritoshi. Among all of jujutsu sorcery's cultural legacy, he's remembered as the most vile of sorcerers and a disgrace to the three major clans.

His intellectual curiosity was captivated by the possibility of a child born of a human and a cursed spirit. Nine times, he impregnated her. Nine times, he aborted her. All records of how he did it and what happened to her afterward were destroyed.

The Cursed Wombs: Death Paintings One through Three became cursed objects powerful enough to be classified as special-grade. Perhaps the origin of that power was the mother's resentment, or...'

Back to the fight-

'I have no memories of a mother. Humans and sorcerers... It's not that I hold any specific grudge against them. For 150 years, we remained sealed away with nothing but each others' existence to rely on.' The older curse thought to himself. Just then Eso had a flashback of what his older brother had said.

'We'll side with the cursed spirits.' A mysterious curse said.

'Are you sure? They seemed shady, Elder brother.'

'The future those cursed spirits painted is more convenient for us. That's all there is to it. Forget about owning them for our manifestation. Now listen, brothers. Eso, you live for Kechizu. Kechizu, you live for me. And I'll live for you, Eso. We three are one.'

'I live for my brothers. If it is what my brothers desire, I will give my life to grant it for them.'    

 "If the suffering is too great, would you like me to end you right away?" He said smugly until he looked at them.

"A technique that guarantees victory once it hits... You two are strong. Too bad for you, though. That makes me the worst match for you!" Nobara pulled out a nail and ran it through her arm.

'Straw Doll Technique: Resonance!'

Both curses staggered as it affected both of them.

"Let's play a game of chicken! You don't like pain, do you? Then start crying and release your technique." Both brothers started nervously sweating.

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