Chapter 4: Fuckin' Hospital

Start from the beginning

You grin. You felt oddly safe with Bakugou. No matter how many times you've fought the urge to suppress thoughts like this, you missed him. Fuck it, you missed him a lot.

Another knock. "Y/n." You hear someone call. Bakugou walks in front of you to open the door. Both of you were shocked to see Hawks standing in the door frame. A sly smile on his face per usual.

Bakugou steps forward in an attempt to block his view of you, but Hawks walks right around him as if he saw nothing.

You roll your eyes and walk back towards the bed, you pull yourself onto it and cover your head with the thin piece of cloth which they call a blanket, over your head. "Go away, Hawks." You groan.

Bakugou growls to himself.

Hawks pulls the blanket off your head. You look in the opposite direction.

"Aw c'mon, don't be like that now, Y/n." He gently holds your hand in his, kissing it the way he knew you had once liked. You scoff and pull your hand away.

You climb out of the bed, considering you couldn't have gotten farther away from that damn bird.

You go over and stand next to Bakugou who looks like he's about to burn the entire place to the ground. You sigh. "Katsuki, you remember Hawks. He was my "detective" and former partner before I came to you." You added air quotes to emphasize the word. 

"Ouch," Hawks says as he pretends to clutch his chest. "Air quotes and everything? You're breaking my heart." You fold your arms and shift your weight to your left leg.

Bakugou watched Hawks every movement. Hawks hadn't taken his eyes off you since he first entered the room. By the looks of it, he probably wasn't even aware of Bakugou's presence. It was quite obvious Hawks had a crush on you, he didn't even attempt to hide it.

"Oi," Bakugou said, finally getting Hawks' attention.

Hawks looks over with widen eyes, a look that was quickly replaced by a grin. "Oh, hey there Bakugou, I didn't even notice you there. How's it going?"

You roll your eyes for what seems like the twentieth within the past five minutes. "Hawks, why are you even here?"

He smiles once again. "I was called to come to check on you. Was just passing by and the kind, sweet lady downstairs informed me you may have needed my assistance." His wings flap, causing a strong gust of wind to blow in your direction. Your hospital gown flies up to where your thigh is temporally exposed to the boys.

Both of them have a look of interest on their faces.

"Keep your dicks in your pants boys, it's a fucking leg. And Keigo—"

Hawks let out an exaggerated sigh. "She said my name."

"Oh please."

"Hawks you can leave, I don't know whatever the nurse may have told you, but it's quite obvious we have things under control here." You can hear the strain in Bakugou's voice when he speaks.

Hawks chuckles. "Oh really? Then why was she attacked today?" He walks up to Bakugou. Even though Hawks had only been an inch or two taller than him, he was using those few inches to his advantage.

"She came to you first, didn't she?"

The two of them stare at each other before you eventually get bored of watching. You sigh. "Will the two of you quit eye fucking already?" 

"Anything for you mi amor," He says with a grin.

"Alright, don't ever call me that again."

"Seriously though," he says. "Time to get down to business. Can you tell me what happened?"

You go back over to the bed, except this time when you sit, you see the black spots again. "There's not much to tell. I was getting ready to go, the lights went off, the doors locked, and there was a creak in the floor. The next thing I know, I'm being slammed against a mirror. He told me that he would be the one." You curl your arms over your stomach.

"He?" Hawks says. "How are you so sure it's a guy?"

You're about to go off on him until Bakugou steps in. "Why are you constantly questioning her? If you don't believe anything she's saying, then you don't have to stay here. My team and I have this under control."

Just as Hawks is about to protest the doctor comes back in. "Um, Miss L/n? We're ready for the discharging, if you'll follow me, I'll give you a change of clothes before you go." Reluctantly climbing out of bed, you remind yourself that this is the last step until you're free to go.

"Bye Y/n!" Hawks smiles as he waves wildly. You flip him off and shut the door behind you.

"You're so lucky." She sighs. "You have the number one hero in your room, and New York's best detective in the same room."

You're not quite sure how to reply to that, so you just smile and nod. You followed her to the changing room where she insisted on helping you dress into your proper attire. All while you were unaware of what was going on when you left the two boys in a room.

After you shut the door the two instantly started bickering.

"What's your problem, man? You seem like you haven't had any in a while." Hawks says as he hops on your temporary bed. He puts his hands behind his head with his feet crossed at the ankles.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"I think I'm going to take Y/n to my place, she'll love it there."

Bakugou grits his teeth. He didn't like how Hawks was speaking to him. Speaking to him as if he had zero power at all. Did Hawks not realize that at the snap of his fingers, Hawks could be working parking tickets? Or worse, he could be working a desk job.

Bakugou walks up to Hawks. "Listen closely because I'm only going to tell you this once. Y/n doesn't fucking want you, so back off. She's coming home with me and whatever you're trying to do isn't going to work." He says this in a low tone, a tone he made sure that Hawks and Hawks only would hear.

As if on cue, you burst open the door. You look pissed as hell, and if he had to make a guess it was probably because you were in a wheelchair. "They put me in a fucking wheelchair because of rule."

"Liability issue." Dr. Suzuki says. "I told you, it's—"

"Standard, right." You finish. "Katsuki, I'm leaving with or without you at this point."

You roll yourself into the hallway where you had seen Kirishima waiting. Bakugou follows behind you as he whispers something into his ear. Kirishima nods and Bakugou rolls you out of the hospital.

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