" Yuzuha?! " Takemichi suddenly called out while making me look at where he is looking.

 " Wait, what!? Yuzuha?! " I exclaimed confused just before she stabs Taiju in the back.

' Yuzuha just stabbed Taiju?!

Taiju releases my face and punches Yuzuha, throwing her across the church.

" Yuzuha, you bitch! " Taiju exclaimed. " You really fucked up this time!!

" Ah! Yuzuha look out! " I warned as Taiju hurls a wooden pew at her, narrowly missing her. 

" Yuzuha...why? Why're you here?! " Hakkai asked. 

" I came to save you. " She answered. " I'm gonna end all this.

" But why? Why'd you come here? " Hakkai asked. 

" You guys, you told Yuzuha didn't you?! " Hakkai asked angrily. 

" Hah?! We aren't saying anything to her! " I said. 

" She's right, the Hanagaki's didn't tell me anything. " Yuzuha said. " Tetta Kisaki told me everything.

" Kisaki? " Hakkai asked. 

" What? " Takemichi asked. 

" Argh! That bastard! " I exclaimed while slamming my hand on the near wooden pew. 

' Wait a sec. Did Kisaki goad Yuzuha into this? Could that be Hakkai originally never killed Taiju in the first place...?

Takemichi and I realize that Yuzuha killed Taiju in the original timeline. 

" Fuck! "Taiju cursed while taking off his coat, revealing that the stab wound is shallow. 

" You fucked up...Yuzuha. " Taiju said. 

" Thanks to this kid for yelling when he saw you I had a split second to move. " Taiju said. " So, hate Hanagaki.

So does that mean...? Is he not going to die? Did that change the future? 

" How sad. Hakkai. Yuzuha. You tried to kill your blood-related brother. " Taiju said. " Your own family, who whittled down his flesh and bones for you! " Taiju exclaimed. 

" For us? Like hell. " Yuzuha said. " You did it all for yourself. You didn't give a damn about us.

" You used words like family...so you could manipulate us this whole time. You're a demon. " Yuzuha said, with that Yuzuha received a strong punch on the face. 

" Yuzuha!! " Hakkai called out making me run quickly into her back spreading my hands to catch her but the impact slammed my back on the alter. 

" How could you?! She's your little sister...! " I exclaimed while coughing and laying down Yuzuha, facing her who was tearing up and at the same time bleeding. 

" Oh fuck, you're bleeding. " I commented while shoving my hand in my pockets and quickly pulled a handkerchief and put it in her hands. 

" O Lord, why do you always put me through ordeals such as this? Why must I...murder my own beloved little sister? " Taiju asked while tearing up momentarily. 

" Yuzuha. " Taiju called out. " I'm going to kill you.

" Yuzuhaa! No!! " I exclaimed as she was running towards Taiju when Yuzuha was about to be punched again I grabbed her hand and pulled her so she can dodge it. 

" Taiju stop! " Takemichi exclaimed while going in front of Taiju. " Calm down, Taiju-kun!

" Move, shitstain. " Taiju said. 

" You say you care so deeply about your family... " Takemichi said. 

" Takemitchy?! " Hakkai called out. 

" But in the end, you're the one who's tearing your family apart!! " Takemichi exclaimed. 

" Don't! He'll kill you! " Hakkai exclaimed. 

 " Hakkai!! This involves you, too!! What are you so scared of?! " Takemichi asked. 

" Your sister's about to get murdered! You need to protect her right? She's important to you right?! " I asked. 

Just then, Taiju punches Takemichi and throws a pew at him, and said," They're the ones who tried to kill me...in the first place. 

" Hey! I told you not to touch my brother! " I hissed while also throwing a pew in his direction that he dodged. 

" Why does a sibling fight have to escalate to killing each other?!! It doesn't make any sense! " Takemichi exclaimed. 

" This is the path we siblings chose. " Yuzuha said, 

" I know what I've got to do. " Takemichi said. 

" Hakkai. I've got to beat down Taiju! " Takemichi exclaimed. 

" I'll help then! " I exclaimed. 

" You guys don't know how deadly he is! " Hakkai exclaimed. 

" We don't care about that. " I answered. 

" Don't get in my way. " Yuzuha said while bumping into my shoulder and grabbing the knife. 

" I'll protect Hakkai. " Yuzuha said but she looks not in the great position to fight, she's panting and swaying. 

" I...I'll protect...him. " Yuzuha said. 

" This isn't something you use to protect others. " Mitsuya said who suddenly showed up, holding the blade of the knife. 

" Taka-chan?! " I exclaimed. 

" Mitsuya-kun?! " Takemichi called out. 

" Let go, Yuzuha. " Mitsuya said. " You're cuttin' my hand.

" Mitsuya...why are you here? " Yuzuha asked while tearing up. 

Unexpectedly, Yuzuha fell into Mitsuya's arms. 

" (Y/n). Watch Yuzuha for me. " Mitsuya said. 

" Uh-huh, yes! " I exclaimed while approaching Mitsuya and getting Yuzuha. 

Not listening to what's happening from behind, I laid down Yuzuha and tried to rub off the blood on her face with the handkerchief that's still in her hand that I gave her.


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【02 / 23 / 22】

serendipity ; sano manjiro [✓ - DISCONTINUED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt