Sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ Mᴇᴇᴛ & Gʀᴇᴇᴛ (𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎)

Start from the beginning

"How could I forget?" Y/n smirked, biting into her cracker.

"Well, he wants to meet you again. He just wanted to properly introduce himself to you." Vern explained.

Y/n started thinking; Donnie didn't properly introduce himself? She thought he did when he was standing on her living room floor. But noticing the way he behaved that night, he appeared to be the polite type, someone who wants to do things correctly. "Um, okay... why didn't he contact me himself?"

Vern itched the back of his head. "He was gonna do that, but he thought that would be too 'invading'." He says to his daughter. "You'd be surprised at how much you both have in common."

That was rare. Y/n has never met someone who had a lot in common with her. From what she knows, after binge-watching so much Jerry Springer, Baggage, Maury, and TLC shows, and so many other crazy shows, she knows that having too much in common with someone may not be the best thing. But, Donatello is a mutant turtle, not a human. Well, according to Y/n he is a humanoid organism who has human DNA, so he isn't entirely a turtle... "So, when do I meet him?" She asked her father.

Vernon looks at his watch. "Ten minutes, in the alleyway down the block. The one with the faulty lamp-post." He got up from the chair and kissed his daughter's temple. "Tell me how it goes."

"Wh--Dad! You're allowing me to go out into the shadows where the creeps lurk around for teenage girls? What if someone kidnaps me? What if the Foot show up?" She panicked, watching her Dad approach the hallway.

"Y/n," Vern chuckled at his daughter. "With Donnie around, trust me, you're very safe." Then, he walks down the hall. "I'll be in the shower. Don't keep Don waiting for you!" The bathroom door closes.

Y/n groaned, rubbing her eyes before looking at her macaw sitting on her shoulder. "I'm totally getting kidnapped, boy." She says. The macaw uses his curved grey beak to 'kiss' his owner's nose.

Soon after finishing up her milk and crackers, Y/n put on a jacket, socks, and shoes, and kept her smartphone safe to her chest in case of any troubles outside. She left her pet macaw back home while she dealt with this little meet and greet with Donatello in an alley.

The more she strolled closer to the assigned alleyway, the more she grew more anxious about seeing Donnie. Anyone would know that a few days is short, but when it came to seeing someone again, it felt like millions of years. She made sure that her Life 360 was working on her phone, her GPS tracker is working on her watch, and she checked her surroundings during every step she made.

Then, without any trouble, Y/n made it to the alley that Vern spoke about. It had the same old faulty lamp-post; flickering and dimming. How interesting of Donnie to choose this spot as a meeting place. "Okay, so I'm here," Y/n said aloud, hoping that someone would hear her. That someone will be Donnie. She faces the dark alley which had no hint of lighting except at the end where another lamp-post was at. Y/n assumed to just walk into the alley where she might get snatched by the Foot Clan.

As she walked farther into the darkened alley, she heard a voice above her. In reaction, she gasped and jumped in her spot. "Hey, sorry I'm late." Says the voice, jumping from the building and landing in front of Y/n.

"Oh, my god..." Y/n says strongly as a bright white light nearly blinds her eyes. "Hello, to you again, too." She chuckled, seeing Donnie turn on a little light on his shoulder to act as a 'nightlight'. It was enough to see his facial features.

"Sorry about flashing the light. I had to ensure that it was you." Don says, leaning against the brick wall.

"No worries," Y/n said, smirking at him. She is astonished at how tall he is. He is at least six foot, eight inches. "Is there a reason you chose a dark alley to meet up with me?"

The light on his shoulder emphasized his nervous smile as he answered Y/n. "Well, I would have invited you to my home, but I think a dark and horrific alley is more my forte..." He joked, giving a short laugh--it made Y/n laugh, too. "No, I'm kidding. But I wanted to make this short and I didn't want anyone to find us, so I chose this alley. I'd like to introduce myself the correct way and not have your Dad introduce me if you get where I'm going."

"No, that's okay." She understood, seeing a small glimpse of his almond-shaped eyes.

"I'm Donatello." He slightly lowered his head to her as a respectful gesture. "Please call me Donnie."

Y/n couldn't help but smile at him. The way he delivered himself so well-- like a gentleman made things a lot more wonderful. She thought it was very sweet of him to be overly polite. For some reason, she got this very delightful and enthusiastic vibe from Donnie and that's what excited her to introduce herself, too. "I'm Y/n. It's nice to meet you, Donnie."

"It's a pleasure," Donnie replied, looking down at the girl he had hobnobbed with. Just when he was going to spark up a short conversation, he got an alert on his watch. "Oh, great." He groaned.

"What's the problem?" She asked him.

Donnie shut the alarm off before looking at Y/n. "I need to get back home." He replied, sounding a little sad.

"I'm sure we'll see each other again since my Dad is friends with you." Y/n chuckled, not worried that she won't see this wonderful turtle again. She knows that she'll see him for the third time and many more.

Donnie smiled at her, nodding in agreement. "That is very true." He paused. "Go ahead and walk back to your apartment. I'll make sure you get inside safely."

Now, this is something very new. Donnie is going out of his way to make sure Y/n got back to the apartment safely before he left to go back home. That is a gentleman.

When she walked back, she could see his silhouette on top of the apartment complexes before entering her home. Before Y/n walked into the building, she could see Donnie waving to her before he disappeared into the night.

She smiled widely, thinking about how kind, caring, and generous he is. Just thinking about him this way wanted to make her see him more often.


"Well, Miss. Uh, we're ninjas."

𓆉 𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 2016 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝗼𝐬 𓆉 ❪∞❫Where stories live. Discover now