v, not the girl you knew

Start from the beginning

"Why, Olwyn? What happened to you?", Katniss blurted out, hoping to seek some sort of reason from her best friend. But as quickly as Olwyn had become vulnerable and open, her stoic, emotionless expression returned. The switch was instant, her eyes had hardened, her jaw set. Any pleasantry flooded out of Olwyn's system, replaced by defensiveness. Katniss seemed to have struck a nerve, pure regret crossed the Everdeen girl's face. However, it was out there. Katniss couldn't take back her words, even if she wanted to.

"Nothing happened to me, Katniss. I don't understand what you want from me! I grew up! I had to. I thought you would've learned that years ago", Olwyn spat, body rising off the chair, feet slowly backing away from the table.

"Ollie, you left me for years. And now I'm expected to not question it?", Katniss argued, her grey eyes glinting with frustration. The girl could feel the brewing emotions in the air, hurt and pain mixing with oxygen; being inhaled with every draw from their lips.

Olwyn huffed a painful laugh; the kind that cut deep, that froze the atmosphere around the pair. Her teeth bit her lip, hands shivering slightly as they ran through her hair. "It wasn't my choice! God, Katniss. You really think I wouldn't have ran to you the second I got off that train?' she rhetorically asked the girl, stunning Katniss into a shocked, embarrassed silence. Olwyn continued, pent-up emotion flying free. "My life is not my own, Katniss. My freewill died the second my name was pulled out of that glass jar. That's something you'll need to realise, if you want any hope of surviving", Olwyn wallowed, tears springing on her waterline.

Katniss didn't say anything. The brunette remained silent, witnessing Olwyn scoff. The blonde pulled a bottle of brown liquor from the cart and mumbled something about finding Haymitch. The door shut behind her, leaving Katniss alone with her thoughts in the fancy dining car of this luxurious train. The girl had never felt so out of place.

Katniss knew Olwyn Laurier harboured a lot of pain; some predating to before her infamous games. She just never realised the sheer amount of anguish that sat on the victor's shoulders. Pain that would destroy the bright, young girl who would smile even on the darkest, stormy day. Maybe, Katniss hadn't accepted that the Olwyn she knew was gone. She hoped that Olwyn was still buried within the shell of herself.

Olwyn had found temporary solace in pills and harsh spirits, wallowing in self-pity and pain as she drank and got high. It was a vicious cycle. And the brunette girl, who had all of this ahead of her, made it her mission to become Olwyn's escape from reality. Even for just a little while.


DISAPPEARING FROM SOCIETY was a desire Olwyn Laurier wished was her reality.

Alas, despite her ghost-like exterior, Olwyn's lowered, blonde head was still spotted by her escort, Effie Trinkett, as she attempted to retreat to the confines of her dormitory. The almost silent screech of the door was too loud, causing Effie's eyes to land on the teenager.

"Ah, there you are", she cheerfully smiled, her fingers stirring a cup of flowery tea. Her long fuchsia nails were on show as she took a sip of her drink. "Where are you off to? Supper is ready, plus you need to talk to your tributes. Between you and me, I think twelves got a shot this year", Effie shyly smiled, but stopped at the sight of the tearful, dejected girl in front of her.

"Ahh, sweetheart, come here", the woman calmly spoke, stepping up in front of the weeping girl. Olwyn's bottom lip trembled slightly, her head shaking. Effie's bright smile never wavered, pale fingers brushing tears off skin and curling Olwyn's blonde hair behind her ears. Quiet shushes came from Effie.

the terror in the nightfall, katniss everdeenWhere stories live. Discover now