Pt.1: Talk About a Turn of Tables..

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Explanation and statistics

Hi! I'm Kya, and this is my Beeduo story. I'm not the best writer but I'm going to try. :)
Anyone who hates me or hates on me just know I will not take anything to heart and any constructive criticism is praised. I am a minor:3
                         Thank you☺️
Ranboo: 16, minor, has Face Dysmorphia, wears a fancier version of his mask (no glasses), has anxiety, bratty, has enderman powers because he's a prince. Lolz
Appearance: Black and white puffy hair with a beautiful ruby red eye and a majestic emerald green eye.
Slim body and tall figure.
Tubbo: 15, minor, has no powers, sorta smart, stands out, a maid in the castle.
Appearance: Brown fluffy hair and beautiful brown mesmerizing eyes. Underweight body and small figure.


Tw: light cussing.
Ranboos POV:
I lay in bed emotionless. I have nothing to do because I just got told off by my father to not flip off maids, but to be fair the girl was really annoying. They're honestly just gold diggers wanting the title of "princess" or "queen". I hate people like them because they're helpless fakes, they get on my nerves easily. By the time I had finished my little thoughts, a maid came in my room.
- Prince Ranboo, the king asked me to fetch you for a talk.
She spoke in a sickening sweet tone. Like she was trying to flirt or is like my step mother asking me kindly to be walk in a dungeon and get locked in.
- Alright. Tell him I'm coming. You're excused.
I barely lifted my head to give her attention as I spoke. And I spoke monotoned sentence after sentence with a pause. Hopefully making her feel bad about herself.
- Goodbye prince Ranboo..
She tried to sound happy but I knew my effect worked and she wanted to leave as soon as possible.
- Bye I guess.
I responded half-assed getting up slowly with my eyes still closed. When I opened my eyes fully, sitting, she was gone. I chuckled to myself. Honestly towing with people was kinda fun. I crawled to the edge of my bed. I was too lazy to walk to I teleported to my walk-in closet. I knew I needed to look presentable because right now I had sweats on and a plain white tee. Once I was told by my father I was grounded I knew I'd be there awhile so I changed, but what I didn't know was that I would be called a bit after. I always keep some peasant clothes in my closet hidden so I can have cozy stuff for when I lounge around lazily. I picked out my mask with black on one side and white on the other and tiny red and green jewels on the sides to match my eyes. I adjusted the crown on my head to be symmetrical and walked off with my cape swishing behind me. (Snape 2.0) I knew my father would be in the throne room so I headed there. What I didn't expect was my brother there as well,
Tommy (Tommyinnit).
- What's this about?
I question confused.
- We had a discussion.
My father said firmly making me loose confidence and bow my head a little.
- About what?..
I didn't mean to sound anxious but I couldn't help my feelings and he was scary sometimes.
- Hey. This isn't bad. I just asked him a bit about your recent behaviour. Don't be so anxious.
He read my feelings perfectly. Wait..
Behaviour? What does he mean he asked them about my behaviour?
He paused waiting for my brother to read the situation. He understood and piled out like it was the last thing he could ever do.
- I won't point fingers but a few people, not only your brother that i discussed with but also people around the castle complaining about you to me.
I couldn't tell if he wanted an answer so I just stayed silent. Listening.
- We've come to a conclusion that you've recently, had an attitude.
I knew he tried to say it as nicely as possible because that's just how Philza Minecraft is, but it still hurt a bit.
- Our solution is that you switch with someone of lower grounds then royal. That'll teach you to be grateful of your high position. You're a tad too privileged right now.
[not my idea, credit to the person]
- ....
I kept quiet again.
- What's going to happen, is people of lower grounds from the castle only, like for example a maid, are going to put their names in a fireplace with flames under a potion. What the potion does to the flames is it makes it eats the paper not the name. Meaning it keeps track of all the names and gives us one after a specific amount of time. You choose the deadline based on the amount of spider eye you add to the potion. A lot of spider eye equals a long time, and a little means a short time.
For some reasons I listened through all of that.. but then I finally had something to say.
- Can it only be gu-ys
I cringed because my voice broke at the end. But I could tell something changed in the atmosphere at my voice after me being silent for so long.
- Why would you want that? Use your words Ranboo.
- .. b-because I don't want a woman with a c-crush on me in my room..
- And what if the men have a crush on you?
I looked at him for a pause and he understood. (It's because Ranboo's gay)
- Alright! We'll schedule it tomorrow.
My head shot up at such an early date. Dadza clearly noticed,
- What?
- I-..
My head dropped again. I couldn't find the words for anything at the moment.
- Answer me Rein. (Made up name!)
I flinched a bit too obviously at my real name. What was the point of all his frustration? What was the point of using my vulnerability; my name, against me to speak with him. There's no need.
- a bit sudden?..
- I don't think so..?
- ... okay ..
He could most likely tell my answer was just modified to be what he wanted to hear but I didn't care. I could leave the hell hole of a throne room. I didn't know how to do so, so I just bowed and left. No "goodbye" or anything like that from either of us.
I suck at dramatic scenes TvT
It was a sort of peaceful walk back to my room, i was able to think about.. stuff. but it's that kind of thinking that you can't remember what you thought of after. That seemed to last the whole walk back and once I had arrived, i plopped down on my bed and let it all really settle in. Everything he said was replaying in my mind like a movie scene. And once it finished it was like I walked out of my mind and back to reality. And boy did that reality hit hard. There was no reason for me to stress about this. In fact I should be thanking my dad for making me work for what I earned daily, but something about it unsettled me. It was like a nightmare just beginning..

(BAHAHAH) Ahem, i tried not using abbreviations like "ofc" "k" "omw" "brb" or emojis and keyboard faces ect ect. But anyway I'm gonna have this at the end of every chapter! I'm gonna try and make a schedule for this book and stuff, and yeah!
Please enjoy this book, if you desire you could drop a follow, vote or comment? Just know I'll definitely read if you DO want to comment.
(Btw please correct if I make spelling errors TwT)

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