"I remember asking you who this is." He lifted my chin by a spell. "Ah." He breathed amused. "I think I might have an idea." Lucius Malfoy's smirk made my insights twist and turn. But there was no comparison to the feeling inside me once I heard the high-pitched, excited and pretentious sweet voice of a woman.

"Cissy!" Her thick and long black hair flew behind her as she bounced up and down into the room. "Oh!" She almost gasped wide eyed. "Oh!" She repeated, but now sounding amused. "You didn't mention we had a guest." Her eyes moved to Lucius.

"It was unexpected for all of us." He said strictly with a tense body expression. He looked irritated by her appearance.

"And who exactly is her name, may I ask." Bellatrix bent down and made me stand up by a spell.

"Draco knows her." Lucius said. "I've seen her at King's Cross together with him once. She is a friend of him."

"Draco knows her? That makes it even more exciting!" She almost shrieked, jumping up and down excitedly. "Pureblood?" Her head turned around to search the eyes of Lucius again.

"No." Lucius replied short and coldly.

"Half-blood?" She waited patiently, startled by the answer.


"Draco befriended a- a-"

"You know Draco wouldn't." Narcissa could be heard. "He probably just didn't know."

"I think I wanna talk with our guest myself." Bellatrix said sharply and quietly.


"I want everyone out. Now!"

And one by one, they all left.


"Are you pure enough? Do you think you are pure enough for my nephew, you filthy bold little thing, hm?" Her eyes wide as she expected an answer, her weight on mine pressing down my chest, giving me almost no chance to breathe properly as I was squeezed down to the ground painfully. Bellatrix's fingernails dug into my wrist, her grip cutting off the blood flow, causing tingles to run down my forearm.

My eyes were shut tight, I didn't want to look Bellatrix into her eyes. I feared, it could hurt me even more, more than it already was.

"Answer me!" Bellatrix shrieked, making me flinch as my body shook underneath the death eater. I parted my lips, trying my best to hold in my sobs, and waited for my mouth to work. Words were not coming out, my chin felt heavy as I cried with no noise, my mind clouded, filled with internal screams of my own. "I told you to answer me! Answer me! What were you thinking when looking at Draco, hm? Did you forget who you actually are? You selfish mudblood! Answer me!"

"I- I don't know." I sewed my dry lips shut again once the words had come out. Whimpers escaping my lips, I waited for the worst to happen, which to my dismay, followed right after with an awfully sharp, stinging feeling on my skin. I cried. I screamed. My voice hoarse, Bellatrix leaned back and slid her knife back into her pocket.

Now, once she stood up, I could feel the blood rush back up into my head and through my whole body, my body getting warm again.


My eyelids were threatening to close. My weak body on the ground, I tried to gather all strength to stand up and leave before it was too late. But I couldn't. It seemed impossible. My body felt heavy. Too heavy for me to carry. And in that moment, I just knew, the end had come. Because there was no way out anymore.


Through the slight numbness of my body, I felt a heavy feeling on my right arm, then my left. I struggled to turn my head to see what it was, though that was not necessary as I was pulled up the ground. Every nerve in my body going crazy, I could feel my heart pound again. It pounded against my rib cage so loudly, I was more than sure the person behind me could hear it.

Draco Malfoy imagines/ one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant