Cleveland: Are you sure this is Long?

Me: Yes, if we entered where we had planned it is likely that the enemy would have ambushed us, we already have enemies inside the island, but due to the buildings making radar readings difficult, I currently do not know their enemy locations.

Belfast: That's true, well, we have to hurry.

After a few minutes we managed to enter the ghost town.

Me: Laffey, Javelin, please check on that avenue.

Laffey: Ok.

Javelin: Understood.

Laffey and Javelin alter their courses and head down the avenue I'm pointing at.

I saw the radar and the buildings in this ghost town interfere with the readings, I certainly can't trust the radar.

In that I see something blurry in my blind spot and reflexively I focus on that thing and I see a woman with a white dress, the dress simulates the uniform of the Japanese imperial navy, without a doubt this girl is from the Sakura empire, she sees me with Killer eyes, but that doesn't intimidate me at all.

Me: Takao?

Takao draws her sword and I draw my two knives and block Takao's sword.


The impact of our weapons makes sparks fly, Takao is a little surprised.

Cleveland: Long Beach!

Me: Get out of here! Go where the Sheffield fleet is! We must be fast and precise!

Cleveland: But!

Me: Get out of here! I'll take!

Cleveland nods along with Belfast and then they turn off to continue on the road.

Atago: They won't escape!

Me: Not so fast!

I draw my pistol and shoot at Atago, Atago dodges my shots, I expected nothing less from a Samurai.

Takao: Are you pretty proud or stupid.

Me: That offends.

Takao: Takao, I'm flattering you, you are very brave that you are going to fight against two most powerful cruisers in our navy.

Me: Well, I think you'll help me hone my skills.


Laffey and Javelin were sailing at high speeds, however, Laffey stops and motions for Javelin to stop, Javelin seeing her stops too and both girls are on their guard.

Javelin: I can definitely sense a presence.

In that of the mist a girl that Javelin and Laffey knew very well is shown, the girl standing in front of them, is Ayanami.

Javelin: (Hesitant tone) Ayanami.

Ayanami can only look at her, Ayanami has a very gloomy expression and is very confused, she doesn't know what to do so she hardens her resolve putting her responsibility as the main directive first.

Ayanami: (It's nothing personal, but forgive me, it's my job)

Ayanami after plucking up her courage, she draws her sword and goes on guard, Laffey and Javelin also go on guard.

With the Azur Lane fleet acting as a decoy, the firing continues and damages the Imperial fleet more, but the damage is only to the mass production Siren fleet, Wales and Enterprise had given orders not to damage the Imperial Kansen too much. , so the allied fleet was not targeting the kansen of the Sakura empire.

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