Stormy Disturbance

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Written for emweraldwarr in response to a request.

Harry had already left his flat by the time the storm hit - he hadn't known it was coming, so he hadn't thought to prepare for it. (And to prepare, he would definitely have barricaded himself inside his room with his noise cancelling headphones sat firmly on his head, covering his ears as he curled up in a ball on his bed with his duvet pulled up high over him.)

When the storm did hit, Harry was too far away from his own place to turn back and go home. The only option he had was to carry on walking in the heavy, battering downpour, with no way of contacting anyone due to the unfortunate lack of a phone on his person.

That was one of the reasons he was out in this storm anyway, braving the freezing rain and fighting against the strong winds, pushing him this way and pulling him that way.

Last night, Harry and his boyfriends had spent the night at Simon and JJ's, a chill night in to just relax and calm their tired minds.

This morning, after it had been settled that one night was to turn into the entire three-day weekend, the boys who didn't live there decided to go home to grab a few more things.

Harry had refused every offer of a lift back to his own flat, wanting to take a nice walk there and back, instead. Only, having forgotten his phone at Simon and JJ's, stuck on charge after dying earlier in the day, he had no way of contacting the others.

He couldn't even get himself an Uber!

Harry shivered when a particularly cold gust of wind blew over him, stalling him in his tracks briefly.

Realising he was closer to his destination than he was to his starting point, Harry pressed on reluctantly, taking every step with purpose, putting all of his weight into it.

By the time Harry had arrived outside the door of Simon and JJ's shared flat, he was absolutely sopping wet, his hair drenched flat and his clothes soaked through, stuck tight to his skin. He felt the utmost discomfort, knowing from experience how hard undressing would be - he'd have to peel his clothes off of his body for sure.

He didn't bother knocking on the door; he didn't have to, hadn't had to for going on two months now, ever since house keys were cut and handed out between them all.

He kicked his shoes off by the door, dropped his bag right next to them, then shuffled his way down the hall towards the bathroom, exhausted from his fight against the storm. He left his coat on, either too lazy to take it off or his limbs too heavy for him to do so.

Harry let out a noise, a barely-restrained scream, as the door to the bathroom opened at the same time that he reached for the handle of it.

Stood in the doorway was Simon, looking as shocked as Harry felt (surely looked, too). When his boyfriend finally processed what had happened, a grin quickly spread across his face, his eyes bright at the sight of Harry.

Though when he took Harry in properly, saw the frown on his face, the wetness of his eyes and slight trembling of his bottom lip, his grin slowly slipped.

"What's wrong, Haz?" He asked, his voice gentle. His eyes glanced up and down Harry's form, taking him in fully. "Why are you soaking wet? Is it raining?"

Harry grimaced. "Storming."

Simon grimaced in sympathy with the shivering boy (something Harry hadn't realised he was doing) before taking his hand and guiding him into the bathroom behind him.

"Oh, you're freezing, Harry. Come on, time for a warm shower."

Simon helped Harry peel off his wet clothes slowly, patiently, before herding him into the shower and setting the temperature just right for him.

Simon left Harry to his own devices, then, setting off to find Harry some clothes whilst Harry showered.

Once, half way through, Ethan came in to join Harry, his clothes also soaked through, only to be dragged out by a fond JJ and directed to one of the flat's other bathrooms.

Tobi had stook his tongue out at a retreating Ethan's back before heading into the bathroom Harry was in, his touch soothing. It helped calm Harry down, to soften the aggressive beating of his heart.

When Harry was finished with his shower, standing in the middle of the room, being patted dry with a towel by Tobi, Vik entered the room with a pile of clothes.

Not a single item of clothing he brought in belonged to Harry.

Harry, confused, let his eyebrows furrow, though he took the clothes from Vik and started dressing himself.

"I brought more clothes, y'know."

Vik nodded, looking just as confused as Harry.

"I know. But this is what Simon gave me."

Tobi grinned, having caught Simon with Harry's bag of clothes when he was on his way into the bathroom.

"With how bad that rain was, I wouldn't be surprised if it seeped through your bag." Tobi commented. "You're clothes were likely ruined."

Vik nodded, backing up Tobi's assumption and convincing Harry further. "Yeah, Simon's probably put them in the wash."

"No, he hasn't." Josh laughed as he passed by the room.

"Shut up, Josh!" Simon popped his head inside the room after shouting at Josh. He looked sheepishly towards the three of them, "Don't listen to him, Harry. He's lying"

After that, Simon left for the living room just as Josh had.

"Something tells me that Josh isn't the one lying."

"What gave you that impression?" Vik asked, rolling his eyes and smirking at Harry.

Harry shrugged, taking Tobi's hand, guiding him out of the room and leaving Vik to pick up his towel and place it in the washing basket in the corner.

Harry led Tobi into the living room, scowling when he found his four other boyfriends already gathered there, both Ehan and JJ already showered.

"Wow, you two were quick." Vik said as he walked passed Harry and Tobi to sit on the sofa beside Josh, smiling up at the older and placing his feet in his lap before turning to the random show playing on the TV.

"Yeah, well."

As Harry and Tobi went to join the other five men on the sofa, thunder rumbled from outside: Ethan squeaked, JJ jumped, and Vik jolted in place against Josh.

Tobi leant back against the sofa with his eyes closed, a hand on his chest as he breathed deeply. Simon and Josh, on the other hand, merely exchanged a look over Harry's head.

Oh gosh, Harry.

Harry sat facing the back of the sofa, his knees pulled up, close to his chest. He appeared to attempt tucking himself up into a small ball, his face smushed against the sofa cushions after having swivelled around in his seat at the noise.

Later, when the seven of them were slowly drifting off then and there, right on the sofa, in only slightly different places and positions to before, Harry sneezed.

"If you get sick, now, I swear-"

Maybe Josh had spoken too soon, earlier, when he'd said to Simon that at least Harry wasn't sick.

(Maybe Tobi had also thanked God for that fact too early, as well. Maybe Ethan could have gone without laughing at the possibility.)

Thunder rumbled once more - even after two hours of silence from it - in unison with another of Harry's sneezes.

Harry whimpered, snuffled, and worked at burying his face in Simon underarm, his cheeks flushed.

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