"Do you think she would like it?" Tony asked behind closed doors.

"I think she would love it, but she might need some more time, you know? She needs to remember more before you show her. You might freak her out if you show her now." Bruce said sitting across from him.

"How long do you think that will take?"

"I'm not sure. I don't know what all Hydra did to her. I don't understand yet how she's getting certain memories back and others not. Patience, Stark."

"Patience about what?" Natasha opened Tony's door, interrupting the conversation.

Tony quickly took a stack of papers that was on his desk and hid it in his drawer. "Romanoff. What did you find?"

She eyed him suspiciously before sitting in the chair beside Bruce. "The facility that went up in flames, it was Hydra's base. There wasn't anything I could recover. Everything was melted or completely destroyed. I have no clue where they took Valen now."

"About that..." Bruce looked at Tony to finish his thought.

"Valen is upstairs in her room."

Nat didn't move a muscle. "Repeat that."

"Valen, the silver-headed girl that lived here for a few months. The one with ice and invisibility powers. The one-"

"Stark, I know who Valen is." Natasha cut him off, annoyed by his sarcastic ways.

"She's in her old room, upstairs." Stark pointed a finger at the ceiling.

Natasha rose from her seat and marched her way to the stairs. She calmly took each and every step until she made it to the living quarters. She opened the door to Valen's bedroom, but no one was there. She started making her way to the kitchen where Valen stood beside Bucky, helping him make food for the team.

Nat nearly sprinted and almost tackled Valen to the ground. She hugged her tight, squeezing the life out of her. "Of course you're close to wherever the food is."

Valen froze, reminding herself to not attack. She looked at Bucky for help, but he just stood there smiling.

Nat pulled back, but still held onto her shoulders. She blinked a few times, not letting herself cry. "I knew we'd get you back."

"Natasha Romanoff, or Nat. Dating Steve. Told you, me, and Wanda were best friends."

Nat looked over at the table where Wanda was sitting. Wanda telepathically sent her a message.

She's been reciting what she knows about us when she sees one of us.

Nat looked back at Valen. "Don't forget I was teaching you how to fly. Also taught you some impressive fighting moves."

Valen had a marker in her jacket pocket. She pulled it out and wrote on her arm.

Nat - Teaching me how to fly
                           Taught me some fighting moves

Nat gave Valen a look of question as she marked her skin. Wanda already knew what Nat was thinking without reading her thoughts. She thought she would help clear things up again telepathically.

She also has been writing things down when she learns something she doesn't know. She was writing it all in a notebook, but I don't know where that went so I guess she's using her arm now.

Valen looked up sheepishly when she saw Nat's face. "Sorry. Bucky said it helps to write things down."

"No, that's good. I'm happy to answer any questions you might have." Nat went over to the table to sit in front of Wanda. She started to whisper to make sure Valen didn't overhear. "How did this happen?"

Valen | Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now