"Natsu, you know what's at stake here, we can't waste anymore time important lives are at stake her." Erza argued back.

"I know Erza, but I have a plan that could help us reach Clover in time and beside Gramps isn't just any ordinary wizard. You should know this better than I do." Natsu grinned at Erza.

"Very well then, I am happy that you are no longer holding back Natsu. Now may we know your plan?" Erza asked at Natsu.

"It's simple really Gray will create us a train trolley for us to ride." Natsu said.

"I can do that, but you know my maker magic only applies to inanimate object." Gray answered.

"That's okay! We will use Tauros to push our ride to gain momentum and use my fire as a booster and if my fire melts the ice you can repair it back." Natsu finished explaining his plan.

"That might definitely work!" Erza complimented at Natsu pressing him to her breastplate.

"It would be night time soon, we will rest for a short while and then we will continue pursuing Kageyama and if something bad might happen I want every one to be prepared. " Erza ordered to Everyone.

(Timeskip ; Night time)
(Mountains ; Outside Clover Town)

Night had fallen and platoons of soldiers are marching the mountainous area ready for battle.

"We received reports that the Eisenwald Guild is planning to murder the Guild Masters that are having their meeting in Clover Town." The squad leader announced.

"I won't let that happen on my watch! Let's show this wizards the might of the Fiore Army!" The leader finished raising the morale of the army.

"Yes Sir!" The knights answered determined to show the might of the Fiore Kingdom Army.

(Clover Town ; Cliff outside the Guild Master's Conference Hall)

Kageyama who stoled the Magic Mobile Car and Lullaby flute from the unsuspecting Fairytail Wizards had now arrived in his destination.

"Yeah! This will work, surely the Guild Masters will be able to hear the LULLABY from here." Kageyama said to himself looking down on the Guild Master Conference Hall.

"The time has finally come!" Kageyama muttered smiling.

"Ohhh! We have some hot models in this week's issue." Someone said which greatly startled a flustered Kageyama.

When he look at where the voice had come from he finds a small elderly man wearing a pointed ear hat sitting down on a rock browsing through Sorcerer Weekly Magazine that has female wizard in a sexy nurse outfit as front cover.

"Wow young wizarding ladies are so much powerful now than they were back in my day and sexier too." The old man gleefully remark.

"Agh!" The old man said closing the magazine and quickly jumping to do what he must do.

"I don't have time for this! I need to catch up to those fools before they destroy an entire town." muttered by the old man slowly trying to walk before turning towards his unsuspecting spectator.

"Agh! It's not what it looks like! I was just researching about female wizards and was just looking at this magazine. I swear I am innocent...." Rambled by the old man waving his hands defending his previous action and was not perverse.

"I don't care what you do old man." Kageyama muttered weakly.

The old man then calm down and proceed to examine the bruised up Kageyama that was holding the Lullaby Flute.

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