Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Storms and Rainbows

Julia's POV


"Are you okay?" Jackson asked me as I walked with him towards his practice that he was late for. 

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I replied back curious.

"Everyone heard about the cat fight between you and CeCe," Jackson glanced over at me with a concerned look.

"It's stupid," I shook my head, sighing. "Why are you late to practice?"

"I had to re-take a math exam," Jackson informed me, placing his hands in his front pockets.

"With Ms. Crawley?" 


"She's the worst," I agreed with Jackson, softly chuckling with him.

"Seriously though," Jackson cut me off, stopping our walk. He turned to face me and placed his hand on my arm in a comforting way. "Are you okay? I know you're close with Ty and stuff, but the whole CeCe fight has made you avoid him. It's just strange to see you here with me and not with Ty."

"I don't want to start anything between me and CeCe," I tried to shake Jackson off. 

"I promise it will stay between us," Jackson tried to persuade me.

"You don't have the best history for a comment like that," I reminded him with a small smirk.

"True, but let me start making things right and not be a total jerk all the time."

"You have practice, come on," I smiled softly at him, grabbing his hand off of my arm and pulling it towards the direction of the baseball field.

"Tell me on the way then," Jackson begged as we continued on our walk.

"Okay," I breathed out with a small sigh. "CeCe thinks something is going on between me and Tyler and wants me to leave him alone so she can get "more alone time" with him since I'm always around when she's over."

"Is that true though?" Jackson questioned, trying to get the full scoop.

"No," I shook my head. "I crash at Tyler's place whenever my dad isn't home which means I always walk to school with him, but- um..."

"But?" Jackson dragged out in a curious tone.

"But when CeCe started coming around, she would walk with us and she started to get jealous that I was always over in the mornings and would walk with them."

"You can't help it," Jackson tried to soothe me.

"CeCe and I were good friends until she heard about what happened in the kitchen with Tyler and I and now she's on this path to get me out of his life," I spoke before even realizing I mentioned the kitchen. "I mean, nothing bad happened between Tyler and I in the kitchen-."

"Something definitely happened in that kitchen," Jackson laughed as we got closer to the field.

"Nothing happened," I repeated. "I just need to push down my negative feelings about CeCe and try to do better for Tyler's sake. If he wants to date her then I guess I will have to make things work."

"Is Ty taking her to the dance?" Jackson questioned me as we neared the bleachers.

"No, we made a pact to not go. We're just gonna watch movies together. We both aren't into dances," I answered honestly. "Now go have fun at practice."

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