part 1

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'Hey Sarge, remember me?'

Pip's heart skipped a beat when she saw his name on her screen. She stared down at the notification, speechless. Her judgement day, had it come? She was innocent?

Instead of texting back, she decided to call him. Taking in a deep breath, she pressed on the phone icon next to his name. His name.


There it was. His voice, even if it was just through a measly phone screen, even though it was miles and miles away, it was still his voice. And it still gave her butterflies, the same ones that she had felt almost two years ago.



"Is it- did it- are we- am I-" Pip stuttered, unable to get the words out. There had to have been a reason that he had finally contacted her after about two years. She needed to know her fate.

"You promised. You said, that if the jury found Max guilty, then we could find each other again. And I waited."

"I'm innocent?" Pip whispered into the phone.

"We did it, Sarge. You did it."

She sighed in relief, the familiar nickname filling her with joy. The phone went silent for a while as she started thinking. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of her chest- quite literally, it had.

They had done it. All that work, and even though they had had to be separated for a while, Pip had never had to turn herself in. Thanks to Ravi and him lying about the headphones, she would never have to sit in a jail cell, hearing about Ravi possibly being happy with someone else, and her family being too busy and forgetting about her. Her internet fandom and podcast breaking apart, her entire town being relieved that another 'murderer' was caught and put away, her friends being disappointed and also forgetting about her. The truth about what Jason Bell had done might have never came out. Max Hastings wouldn't go to jail, even though he still raped and drugged those girls. She didn't have to go through any of that. All the memories came flooding back to her.

But it wasn't like she had ever forgotten about Ravi. And here they were, again, after almost two years, talking through a phone.

"Pip? You there?"

"Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking."

"Yeah. Me too."

Pip didn't know what to say. She wanted to see him again, but she didn't know how to ask for it. Luckily, he did it for her.

"When can you come?" he asked.

They talked a bit more, discussing on when they were free and they decided to meet on that weekend as soon as possible.

She would be back in Little Kilton. Home.

"Okay, I lo-"

Pip's voice was cut off by the sound of the phone hanging up. Oh.

At the same time, she was a bit relieved that he had hung up. Of course, she didn't know if he still had feelings for her, so she shouldn't have come too quick to assumptions. Maybe he just wanted to catch up, they could be friends. Give her a chance to visit home again, see her family and maybe her friends, with a new breath of fresh air. No more murder, no more cases and death. A new life. 

AS GOOD AS DEAD (a good girl's guide to murder) OPEN ENDING :)Where stories live. Discover now