It was bittersweet.

When Cortes placed the ring on Priscilla's finger, Rodney forced himself to watch. It killed him. Lord, knew it did.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Cortes, you may now kiss the bride," the priest said.

Cortes placed his palms on Priscilla's cheek and kissed her. Their little son Daniel started jumping around with praise. Applause erupted throughout the hall. People got up from their seats. Rodney remained seated, clapping through the noise.

The uproar and people started to blend together until none of it made sense anymore to him. It was all over now. After tomorrow, he'd be returning back to Los Angeles.

After all the festivities, the sun fell from the sky and Rodney stood around with Michael outside. Cortes and Priscilla of course were long gone, but a few of his family members were still around. Like Ramona, who was on the other side of the hall talking to Alicia.

He was surprised that she had stayed for the entire event. By this time, he had abandoned his plan to not speak to her. He wanted to say something, he just didn't know what.

"You going to the kickback after this? I think it's happening at Ramona's spot or something," Michael said.

"Yeah, I think I'll stop by," Rodney said, his eyes never leaving Alicia.

Michael waved his hand in front of Rodney's face, but Rodney paid him no mind.

"Bro, why don't you just go up and talk to her?" Michael asked.

"Who?" Rodney asked.

"You know who, Alicia. You over here giving her fucking heart eyes man, geez," Michael said.

"Stop it," Rodney snapped.

"Or what? Are you gonna tell me you don't need another distraction again?" Michael asked him.

Rodney paused, sliding his hands in his pockets and he faced away from Alicia. Since the moment he saw her, his heart hasn't known rest. Michael placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay to try and talk to her, you know, just catch up a little bit. Do you think you can live with yourself if you go back to L.A. and not approach her tonight?" Michael asked.


The lights were low in Ramona's spacious apartment. Music was playing and there were many people dancing and drinking. Rodney was leaning against the wall, watching Alicia out on the balcony. She was alone.

His foot kept tapping the floor nervously. Every five minutes, he promised himself he'd go up and talk to her. Just as soon as the song changed. Or when the mood felt right.

He didn't know where Michael was, Ramona or Carl, but he couldn't pass up on this chance.

It didn't look like she was going to approach him anyway. She hadn't looked his way since earlier. He took a deep breath and pushed himself off the wall, approaching the balcony.

She was staring up at the sky; there was no moon out, no clouds. The black sky was simple in that way, as though one was staring into the deep, full sea.

She hadn't noticed that he was standing behind her. Her forearms were pressed against the railing, leaning slightly over. He ignored his racing heart and cleared his throat.

Alicia whirled around and faced him.

For a minute, neither of them said anything. She was wearing white and had a full face of makeup on. She was stunning.

And finally, he understood in that moment, he would never be able to get over her. Time may pass, they may not be together, but that fact will never change.

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