Chapter 3 (revision)

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Saturday October 6th, 2029: 8 am

It takes them an hour to hike to their campsite, Alaric refused to let Kaleb and MG vamp speed everything and everyone to the site so they were stuck lugging everything up a hill on a narrow, weed, and root ridden path. But they made it and within five minutes Alaric left them all behind saying he'd meet them all back where they got off the bus at 3 pm the following Saturday.

"Okay I think we should start with setting up our tents before anything else." MG speaks up taking his role as one of the leaders by the horns.

"Yeah you guys can do that, but I'm not risking ruining my nails." Lizzie says while looking at her nails.

"Lizzie, dad said we were to work together."

"Ugh, whatever you are the whole reason we are in this mess in the first place."

"Really? You gonna blame this all on me AGAIN?!?"

"Well, yeah cause it is your fault. If you had stayed out of it and let us win that stupid game for once the fight wouldn't have happened, we wouldn't of had to do community service, and then the second fight wouldn't have happened. It all comes back to you!" Lizzie shouts and Josie is fuming, she had been looking forward to this, but now she is envisioning hanging her sister upside down from a tree and leaving her for an animal to eat.

"Okay, Okay I think we all need to cool off. Look, Hope already set up both of the girls' tents so you guys can put your stuff away." MG says stepping. Hope had in fact set up both of the tents while the sisters were fighting. Kaleb and Jed were still struggling and Rafael had set up his and MG's by himself. Lizzie rolls her eyes, picking up her bag and storming off into one of the tents.

"JoJo?" Penelope speaks softly placing a hand on Josie's shoulder.

"I'm fine, baby." Penelope has learned to read Josie and can tell that if they were back at the school right now that she wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow. Ever since their first time together it was clear that Josie was extremely dominant in bed and every time Lizzie and her had a fight like they just did she'd work through it by fucking Penelope ten ways to Sunday. Not that Penelope minded though she liked being dominated by Josie from time to time. "I'm staying in your's and Hope's tent though."

"I thought that was the plan from the start?" Penelope smirks.

"It was, and just so you know I'm gonna fuck you up against a tree later." Josie smirks leaving Penelope standing there as she takes her bags into the tent where Hope is unrolling her sleeping bag so its ready for nightfall.

"Josie? I thought I was sharing a tent with Penelope?"

"You are, but I'm staying too."


"Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything to you. Well not yet." Josie winks getting out her own sleeping bag.

"The boys are done setting up their tents and MG went over the list of activities Dr. Saltzman wants us all to do throughout the week , but there isn't that many so he was thinking we'd just relax and get used to our surroundings for today, but he wants to talk to you JoJo about setting up a schedule or something." Penelope says stepping into the tent.

"Okay, I'll go talk to him." Josie stands from where her sleeping bag is unrolled and leans into Penelope to whisper into her ear. "Don't have too much fun with her without me."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Penelope gives Josie a quick peck on the lips before the taller girl steps out to talk to MG. "So, Hope?"

"Y-yes?" Hope's voice shakes she has never been so confused and scared at the same time. Everything with Josie and Penelope has been giving her whiplash.

Legacies: a phosie(Penelope, Hope, Josie) rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now