Chapter 2 (revision)

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Friday October 5th, 2029

The last class of the day had just ended and the group of eight students slowly made their ways to the headmaster's office much to all of their annoyance except for maybe Josie and Penelope who were looking forward to some unsupervised time together. They had been talking about it since leaving Alaric's office, they had a plan and they were excited to put it into play. Once all eight students were in the office Alaric spoke.

"Okay, now that everyone is here we can start. Like I said you all need to be out front with your bag packed by 5 am sharp tomorrow, if you aren't there or are late there will be consequences and before any of you say that going camping together is a punishment just know the consequence will be a hundred times worse than what you think camping is." Alaric scowls at each and everyone of the students standing in front of him, his daughters included. "Now," He claps loudly startling each of them. "on to the next note of business. Everything, but all of your guys' bags are already packed onto the bus ready for tomorrow, the coolers with food, drinks, and blood have been spelled to stay cold for the entire trip. I'll be driving you all out and will pick you up on the following Saturday, MG you'll be getting the school's satellite phone for emergencies and daily check-ins. I'll expect a check-in every day at sundown. On to sleeping arrangements, there are a total of four tents, two for the boys and two for the girls. MG and Rafael, you guys will share one while Kaleb and Jed you both will share as well. Josie and Lizzie you both will be sharing, and that leaves Hope and Penelope in the last one. On top of all of that the campsite has been checked out and while there is not usually any problems with larger wildlife there have been sightings. That being said before bed every night you'll all have to make sure any and all food is put away, on top of the cooling spells the coolers have also been charmed with protection spells against wildlife. If a bear or other wild animal is seen and creates a problem that is the only time you guys are allowed to use your powers. Any questions?"

"Yes, do we have to go?" Lizzie asks, really not wanting to spend a week camping and sleeping on the ground.

"Yes, this is mandatory, like I've already said not going or showing up late and you will be punished. Any more questions? Good, you are all dismissed, don't be late!" They all exit the office most of them head off to the common room where most of the students hang out, but Hope heads off towards her room with Josie and Penelope following. She doesn't think anything about it seeing as the twin's room is right across from hers until Josie speaks from behind her just as they reach their rooms.

"Hey Hope, you excited for camping?" Josie asks with a bright smile.

"Um, not really. I prefer lone activities and camping over group ones."

"Oh well, Pen and I are excited, we can't wait to spend the week together. Aren't we Pen?"

"We are and also happy to be able to spend some time with you as well." Penelope smirks.

"Uh, w-what? I mean why?" Hope's face heats up as Penelope and Josie both smirk at her.

"Do we need a reason to be excited to spend a week with such a powerful beauty, an unsupervised week at that?" Josie raises an eyebrow and smirks at Hope, the older girl is barely holding herself together with the way both Josie and Penelope are looking over her.

"I-I'm going to go." Hope rushes out opening her door and shutting it behind her with in seconds. She slides down her closed door breathing deeply with a million questions running through her head. The main question being why are both Penelope and Josie seeming so interested and flirty with her lately, she thought they hated her like everyone else.

Saturday October 6th, 2029: 5 am

The entire group were standing out front and had been for the past five minutes. None of them were going to call bluff on Dr. Saltzman's threat of a worse punishment than camping for being late. There was a long table where each of their bags sat waiting to be checked as they all stood waiting to board the bus. The process of checking the bags luckily didn't take long so by 5:30 all of the bag were packed away under the bus and Alaric along with the students were on the bus pulling off of school grounds.

"Okay, kids it is an hour and half drive to the campsite so make yourselves comfortable and you all might as well start bonding now while your at it." Alaric shouts, looking in the rear view mirror at them all with a creepily happy smile. Hope can't help, but think that the entire situation reminds her of a horror movie where Alaric is taking them into the woods to kill them. If it weren't for the fact that he was human and everyone of them on the bus were supernatural and could easily kill him if he tried to kill them she'd think that was what he had actually planned. She wouldn't have put it pass him to have finally snapped with all he has been through even from before the school started from the stories she's heard she was surprised he hadn't snapped yet.

"Hey, Hope?" Josie interrupts Hope's thoughts.


"Can I sit next to you? Penelope is asleep and I don't wanna sit with Lizzie right now."

"Uh yeah I guess. Is something going on between Lizzie and you?"

"Nothing more than the usual. But I wanted to sit next to you anyways."

"Oh, I uh" Hope blushes and looks down where her hands rest in her lap.

"You're cute when you blush." Hope blushes even harder now. and Josie gently brushes one of Hope's cheeks.

"W-why have you and Penelope been acting so..." Hope pauses to think of the correct word before settling. "uh nice?"

"Isn't the whole point of this trip for us all to get along?"

"But you both started acting like this before your dad told us about the trip?" Hope raises an eyebrow.

"Well I guess its because we like you," Josie pauses and with a quick look around she scoots closer to Hope. "a lot actually." Josie's smirk makes Hope's stomach clench and her breathing become irregular. "Don't you like us too?"

"Uh y-yeah you both are nice, well more so lately."

"That's not what I meant, Hope." Josie purrs her name into her ear and if she hadn't been sitting already she could almost guaranty that her knees would have given out. "Pen and I have both seen the way you look at us, I know she mentioned it to you. Don't worry you are the only one we don't mind watching. Although wouldn't you rather join in rather than just watch?" Josie's hand slowly and lightly strokes Hope's thigh.

"I-I" Hope starts, but sighs not knowing what to say, unable to form any real thoughts with Josie whispering into her ear while her hand strokes her thigh moving higher with every stroke.

"Penny and I have a lot of fun planned for you later, but I can give you a little preview if would like?" Josie gives Hope's thigh a squeeze causing her breath to hitch in her throat. "Would you like that, Hope?" All Hope can do is whimper quietly all words and thoughts escaping her. "God, I love the little sounds you make. Am I making you wet, Princess? Hmm, does my hands on you, stroking your thigh," Josie gives her thigh another squeeze then dips her head lower and kisses the bottom of Hope's neck just above where her shirt ends. "Does it, Hope, does it make you wet for me?"

"Jo!" Hope whines and tries to squeeze her legs together.

"Don't you dare close your legs! I'm in charge right now! Now answer me, do I make you wet?" Josie's voice is husky and makes shivers go down Hope's spine and a whimper slip past her lips. "Answer me!" Josie growls.

"Y-yes!" Hope whimpers, her eyes closed tight.

"Good girl!" Josie rasps and in a split second she's gone. Hope opens her eyes and sees Josie back in the seat across the aisle with Penelope and if it weren't for the smirk on Josie's lips and the wink, she would have thought it was all in her head. She doesn't have long to think about that though as the bus pulls to a stop in the middle of nowhere and Alaric announces that they have a mile hike ahead of them so they better get moving.

Legacies: a phosie(Penelope, Hope, Josie) rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now