The new house

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After a few hours of sitting uncomfortably in this car we finally pull up to the new house. I roll down my window and look at it. This house was pretty big, in fact it was a lot bigger than my old house but it gave me the creeps, it wasn't modern at all and it was in the countryside.
"Well we're here, what do you girls think." My dad asked hoping for a positive response.
"Woah, this house is massive, is it even a house it looks more like a Mansion to me!" Reign said whilst staring out the window mesmerised.
"What about you Venus?" Dad asked.
"Oh yeah it's a really...really nice house." I felt like such an ungrateful sod after saying that but what else could it say. I wanted nothing more than to be back I'm my home, in my bedroom, living near Brooke and not having to live in this haunted mansion.
"What are your thoughts on the house, Linda?" My dad asked my mum finally.
"Oh darling, it is absolutely gorgeous, I am so great full that this beautiful house or mansion as Reign says it is, is really ours!" My mum replied happily.
I felt like I was acting like such an emo for not being as happy as mum and Reign but I was genuinely so hurt I could physically feel my heart aching.

We got out from the car and headed into our new home. I see Reign rush up the stairs looking for the perfect spot for her perfect bedroom whilst I plodded
Up the stairs and looked for a room I wished to claim. I decide to take the smallest room because it was just my vibe and well obviously Reign wasn't hesitant about getting the second to biggest bedroom (My parents said to Reign in the car that they needed they needed the biggest room.) Well it's doesn't really change the fact that Mum and dads room wasn't even much bigger compare to Reigns room. I'm not complaining though after all I voluntarily decided to choose the smallest room upstairs when I could've have gotten a much bigger one.
I looked around and tried to imagine where I would place all of my furniture in here, but I was so overwhelmed my mind could not focus.
Reign entered my new room.
"So, what made you pick this room. It's tiny." Reign asked.
I gave her a reply,
"What's wrong with having a small room, I find it cosy."
"Yeah okay then, I mean who am I to judge anyway." Reign said leaving out the door.

That night, I lay on my bed staring at my ceiling. I couldn't get any sleep. The loud droplets of the rain from outside were keeping me from sleeping. But it wasn't just that preventing me from a good nights rest, I was worrying about moving to my new school. My heart was racing and my stomach turned at the thought of it.

What if I eat lunch alone for the first day, or the first week, or the WHOLE school year just because no one bothered to make an effort with me. I began to feel my heart ache and I let out a sigh. I'm probably just over thinking things. I'm sure the first day of school will be just fine. And anyway, I highly doubt I will eat lunch alone because Reign had promised me we would stick together and that I would never be alone. Was she lying? I guess I'll have to find out once I go to school. I shit my eyes and finally fall asleep.

The sound of my alarm goes right through my head so I grab my phone and turn it off. I see the rays of subsiding eve teeing my room through the small gaps of my curtains.

Today I wanted to explore my garden because we got back pretty late and therefor I didn't have time too. I walk into my bathroom and see my sister already dressed and brushing her teeth. I knew she was going to take her time in there so I headed downstairs and looked for something I can have for my breakfast.

I am a picky eater and so there for I was really boney and weak my (mum constantly worried that I was anorexic). I looked at all the cereals we had but nothing interested me and so therefor I skipped breakfast and went to my room to get dressed for the day.

I picked out some ripped jeans , a pair of fluffy socks, white air forces and a striped jumper. I heard out my back door and set off for my adventure.
It rained the night before so the what was once dry dirt on the floor was now soggy mud, but despite a bit of mud it didn't stop me from going on this epic journey.

Woah maybe I didn't hate this house so much after all. The garden is massive and there's so much to explore. I sat down by a pond even though my arse was going to get soaked form the remains of the rain and I looked out at the scenery.

I pulled out an unread book from my backpack and begin reading the blurb

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I pulled out an unread book from my backpack and begin reading the blurb. I really wasn't interested in reading but I wanted a new version of my self. A better and healthier version of myself. To do that I need to be willing to get into good habits and one of those habits I wanted was to consider was in fact reading.

What felt like 10 minutes had actually been an hour.
"Woah, why do I actually enjoy reading." I wondered to myself.

I put my beloved book down and stare into the pond. There were a few small fish in there but nothing too special. I count how many fish I see swim by, then I look at my reflection in the water that stares back at me.

When I least expected it, I start to lose balance as I wasn't concentrating and was too busy being intrigued by my own mesmerising thoughts. I fall into the pond and before I know it I am paddling pathetically around I this cold, freezing waterhole with all my little fishy friends.
"Shit! I'm so cold." I mumbled to myself as I pulled my body out of my pond.
When I get out I sit up on the soggy grass causing it to create a big brown stain on my trousers. Implying that it looks like I've crapped myself. My arms and legs are covered in goose bumps, so I stand up and run into my house. 

I step in through the front door, drenched head too toe in mucky pond water.
"Venus! Oh my gosh, what the hell have you been getting up too!" My mum said in shock as she stood up from her chair.
"Mum, I can explain! I promise, so basically I was jus-." I wasn't able too find he my debts very since I was interrupted by her.
" I don't want to hear another word, get into the shower right now and after you've done, go mop up all the mess you have created on our new floor!"
"Sorry mum."
I swiftly move past my mum to go to the bathroom. I could her her cussing in the distance. This was my fault, I'm always causing trouble. I brought this upon myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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