Chapter 6: Donkey talk

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"How do you guys keep getting out?" Luisa asked the donkeys she was carrying. The donkeys looked back at her, making a small sound. "That doesn't answer my question." Luisa would often talk to the donkeys as her having to put them back in their pen was a common task. To her, it was like talking to someone but not having to fear if they are judging you. A donkey made a sound at her "Yeah my day has been pretty great. I got to do my chores quickly, I got to talk to Reggie, Reggie gave me a super tasty gift. It was a drink and now I get to carry you." Luisa continued to talk to them about how she was feeling as she took them back to their pen. "And it was just so weird. I kept spacing out and stuff, but I feel fine. Maybe I could be sick, but I still felt that way after my mum gave me some food. And it almost happened today too. Anyway, I'll see you whenever you break out again." Luisa said before dropping the donkeys back into their pen. A donkey huffed in response as if to say "really?". "Luisa! Dinner's ready!" "Coming Mamá!" Luisa shouted as she ran towards the Casita.

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