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📍Fez's house
Elaina(1st person pov)
Wednesday, 4:10pm

I close my messages and roll off of the bed. I swing my bag over my shoulders, put my shoes on, and walk out. In the hallway, I see Faye slumped on the floor of the bathroom.

"Are you good?" I ask, eyeing her.

"A-OK" she nods, putting an 'okay' sign up with her fingers.

"Alright." I shrug, doubting it.

I walk down the hall, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Fez is sitting on the couch and Ash is propped up beside it, the boys still talking. When they see me come down, they go silent.

"Hey, I'm gonna go." I brush off, pointing to the door.

"Wait, where you going?" Fez asks, standing up.

"Uh, I'm gonna go to Elliot's. Hanging out with him and Rue." I say as I rush toward the door.

Fez gets to me first and holds me at my waist.
"Right now? You just got here."

"Yea, I'm not feeling too well."

"Well enough to hang with a bunch of drug addicts." Ashtray comments.

"You wanna talk about drugs, Ash? Shut your short ass up." I clap back, I swear it wasn't as mean as it sounds.

Ash scoffs before going back to smoking.

"For real tho, why you leaving me like this?" Fez says in that soft tone that I love.

I cup his face in my hands. "I'm a call away."

"Be fuckin safe, ok? I mean it." He nods before pecking me on the lips and forehead.

"Oh also, check on your friend Faye, will you?" I add as I turn to walk out.  He smacks my ass on the way.

"Fucking disgusting." I hear ash mumble.

"You're 12." I say back as I leave.

༄ ༄ ༄

By the time I make it to Elliot's house, it's dark outside. The smell of weed hits me in the face as soon as I open the door.

"You left this door unlocked!" I yell to them.

"Sorry, mom!" I hear Rue shout back, Elliot's giggles audible.

I take my shoes off at his door and walk down the hall into his bedroom. The room is foggy and hot as hell, not to mention pills and powder on the floor.

"Y'all are fucking filthy." I cough as I wave my hand in front of my face.

"Oh my god, fuck the smoke. Tell us about Fez." Rue says as she jumps up and turns the fan on.

"Ok," I start as I sit down on the floor across from them. "So I tried to hide it with my hoodie right?"

"Right." Rue nods.

"No makeup?" He asks, "You were asking to get found out."

"You would know to cover up marks, you slut." I snark, "Anyway, I got on top of him-"

"Wooo!" Elliot cheers as he takes another hit.

"You're high as fuck." Rue shoves him.

"Anyway." I eye him, "I got on top of him and he took my hoodie off, that's when he saw it. He turned it into this huge thing and started screaming and shit. I get where he's coming from but that's just how Nate is, Y'know?"

"God, that's awful." Rue says.

"Right?" I agree.

"No, I mean that you think that that's just 'how Nate is.' Fez is right to be pissed about that abusive prick."

"Agreed." Elliot says.

"I guess." I shrug, "Then, I asked him what he was gonna do and he says he's 'gonna deal with it' and 'don't worry about it.'"

"That's kinda hot." Elliot smirks, "Possessive and protective? Top tier man."

"Please." I roll my eyes, "After that, I went downstairs and tried to listen to him and Ash talking-"

"I'm sorry, Ash?" Elliot stops me.

"Fez's little brother." Rue tells him.

"C'mon keep up, El." I say. "I heard them saying they were gonna beat his ass and, 'get him right.' Whatever the hell that means."

"Whatever it means, I support." Rue says.

"100%" Elliot agrees.

"Ok, who's fucking side are y'all on?" I ask.

"Uhhh, the anti-abuser side?" Elliot replies.

"Yea. Definitely the one who is against Nate." Rue nods.

"Hey! I'm against Nate." I defend.

"You just excused his actions."

"Rue, I didn't excuse them. I just...acknowledged that he does it a lot...?"

"Sounds like an excuse to me." Elliot inhales again.

"You know what, I'm not listening to two people who I've never seen sober."

"Yea, fuck you for that one." Elliot chuckles.

Eventually, after high school gossip with a side of weed, we all fall asleep. Rue and I on the floor and Elliot hogging the bed, per usual.

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