Chapter 81 • Thump

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A/N: It's been a while since we've had some popcorn so here ya go 🍿 😏

After a much needed twenty minute shower, I feel both refreshed and exhausted; refreshed because it's better than the hospital's shower stall and exhausted because it feels like I've been crying constantly. It wasn't my intention to spoil the important detail of our twins' gender to Anne and my dad earlier today.

Luckily for me, my dad and mother-in-law are the two most understanding and forgiving people I've ever met. I can only blame so much on this pregnancy brain, but if it keeps on or gets worse, I'm going to talk to Dr. Tate about it.

Gentle taps on the closed loo door earn my attention. "Yes?"

"M'just checking on you. How did the shower seat work for you?"

Looking at my semi-fogged reflection in the mirror, I pull the towel from the top of my head, "It was wonderful, Anne. Thank you for buying it. I'll look up the cost of that and the toilet thing so I can-"

"You'll do no such thing. Now take your time and enjoy your nap. Leo and I are going to take Maggie for a walkie to give you and Harry some privacy, but you can reach us on our cells if you should need anything."

"Okay. Thank you, Anne," I reply, combing my hand through my wet hair and I realize it. "Ugh, why did I wash my hair? I didn't want to-, oh for fuck's sake. Where has my blasted brain gone?"

I begrudgingly grab my hair dryer from the counter and plug it in. I switch the button on and proceed to blow dry my hair that's just going to get all messed up from taking a nap. I shake my head in disgust, placing my free hand on the edge of the counter to support my torso and I continue drying my hair.

Thanks to the prenatal vitamins, my hair has grown and gotten thicker and shinier and I wonder if I can continue taking those lovely vitamins even after the babies are born. Even though Harry can't see it, he can feel the difference and improvement of my hair, and he still says I'm the most beautiful woman he's never seen.

Smiling to myself, my arm becomes tired and I stand up straight so I can switch hands holding the dryer. The wet spots on my t-shirt from my hair seem to upset me more than usual and my vision becomes blurry.

"Oh this is ridiculous," I giggle through my tears, switching the hair dryer off and I set it on the counter.

As I watch my reflection in the mirror, I comb my hand through my damp hair and style it with a simple side part. The maternity jumper and joggers are soft and comfortable and I turn to the side, smoothing my hands down my belly. The same bubbly sensation from earlier travels up the side of my belly and it catches me off guard.

"Is that . . . is that you, babies? I can't tell if it's you or just gas. I wish you could start kicking and moving around soon, not just for me, but for your father. He needs to feel both of you kicking in there. You don't understand how important it is. One day I'll tell you both that your daddy's blind, but for now, could you just kick? No pressure though. And preferably not when I'm sleeping." My silly request makes me smile and there's a knock at the door. "Yes?"

"Are you doing alright in there, love?"

I smile at my husband's concerned question, "I'm fine. M'almost done." I give my hair one last comb through and I blow out a minty breath before opening the door. "Here I am."

The corner of his mouth curls up, "There you are and you smell positively delicious."

He holds out his hands and I guide them to my waist before wrapping my arms around his shoulders. My eyes flick up and down from his eyes to his lips and I cup his cheek. He takes it as a cue to kiss me and he ducks his head down. I close my eyes in anticipation, inhaling sharply at the incredible sensation of his lips pressed against mine.

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