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My dear, Gurion

I wrote this on February 4th 2022, a day you will sure remember.

The second half of last year brought me to this 'me'. A newer, post-apocalypse repaired, me. I almost lost myself in becoming the 'beautiful' me. Lost some friends, but thankfully I still got some by my side.

And for you, a jammed year isn't it? Packed schedules with vitamins on the go and sleepless nights with thoughts and questions hovering above your closed shut eyes.

But there you are, eyes still sparkle evincing the person you truly are, the same soul that any heart would still gonna recognises, the man I'd always return home to after years have passed. You.

You and that smile to behold, the kiss trace of your past life's lover lies beautifully near the lips that I would drown myself into.

I told myself, repeating the same thing, convincing my head this feeling is not something that meant to last. But my love, most of the time the heart beats the brain. And to love you till my last breath is a must I would bear the pain.

Never in my life I thought of falling into the warmth of your arms, chest exploding like an active volcano spitting lava. I'm not afraid of raging, burning, popping and tearing myself into pieces for this thing called love.

Is this love?

This longing-for-you sensation, the ache creeping on me whenever you're only seven seconds far, the urge to kiss you each time I have the chance, is this love?

I like love, then. If love means giving you all my attention, I like to love you. I like to love your body, heart, soul and mind. I like to love your stubbles, I like to love those starry eyes, I like to love your protruding cheekbones, I like to love the fingers that always make wonders and I like to love your ups and your downs.

I like to love your three a.m cries, I like to love the feeling of listening to you talking about how things are starting to worry you, I like to love your flaws even when I know you have almost none. And eventually, all of these lead to a concrete conclusion;

I love to love you.

Rosie Dunne once said, "No matter where you are, or what you're doing, or who you're with, I will always, honestly, truly, completely, love you."

And that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

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