Essays and love

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Mick's pov:

I have always had feelings for him just never told him. What it he doesn't like me back. I feel myself staring at David how was sat next to me.

The school bell wakes me up from my day dream.

"all right class remember the essay is due next week, so don't turn it in late" the teacher says as everybody is leaving the classroom.

Shit, what essay and what class was I in? Right English. Or biology? Or was it French? I don't know, the only thing I know is that it's lunchtime.

I walked to the lunch line and got my food and sat down at a table in the far corner. I like eating alone, lunch is like my safe place. Nobody talking to me just me alone. The silence was broken by a familiar voice

"Umm... excuse me, can I sit here?" It was David.

"Sure" I say "why not." he takes a chair from a near by table and sits down. We have never bine very good friend but we've know each other for about 2 years. We have similar music taste and similar interest but we never really talked.

"Lunch is kind of my safe place, I like eating alone" He says. "Same, I just like a bit of quiet when I eat" holy shit. maybe we are more similar then I tough. We make small talk for a wile until the bell rings "well I'll see you around Micky." David says before throwing the rest of his sandwich in the garage.

Micky. Nobody has called me that since I was like 5.

I bump into Keith as I'm walking to class "we're the fuck have you bine I haven't seen you all day." I sigh " I've bine in class and lunch and oh... and I went to the toilet at brake" I say sarcastically. "Whatever just remember band practice tonight. And whit that he strolled of.

My next class was art, I liked art. The teacher was probably the only nice teacher in the hole school. Then I had math then Spanish and the last class of the day was P.E.

I thought about David every moment I got. What made it even worse was that me and David had P.E together. After that, at 3 o'clock school ended and I walked home.

I wanted to start that essay but I didn't even know what class it was for and how should I start it. The only thing on my mind was one word


Hope you liked this first chapter. You can give me suggestions in the comments 

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