Declaration of Favoritism

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Yare yare, If only I'd known that Kuboyasu and Nendou can cook, I would be enjoying a sweet crepe right now. Saiki walked out of the home economics room rather glumly. Kaido and Hairo can't cook, Mera kept eating every ingredient present in the home economics room. Raw eggs, flour, the crepe batter, and the failed crepes his classmates ate. Saiki didn't know whether or not to be disgusted or thankful that his group didn't have to clean up their mess. 

Nendou and Kuboyasu made some pretty decent crepes, but it was a savory type. Which was a weird combination if you ask. Whatever, I'll just grab something sweet on the way home . As Saiki walked down the hall, he heard someone's thoughts. 

Shu-chan looked disappointed just now. It's alright now, Shu-chan! I just happen to be making some deserts in the council room! Eto... what were they making again?

Just then a girl turned around the corner and bumped into Saiki. " Ah, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking at where I was going!". Saiki took a step back to take on her appearance. The girl had her blue hair in a large braid and maroon red eyes that awfully looks familiar. She was wearing the school's student council uniform. That's an awfully large rack- Huh

Saiki looked at his upperclassmen alarmed. His eyes quickly scanned through her attire-Not like that dimwits- then to other students passing by to check if his powers were still working. He glanced at a random student and was met with a fleshy muscle walking past him. But that thought was suddenly forgotten when his eyes, landed on the container she was holding. The heavenly sight of different baked sweets and coffee jelly were in the hands of this beautiful Goddess! Saiki drooled at the sight.

Hmm? Isn't this Shu-chan's friend? I heard about the crepe thingy. Poor kid, he was probably Shu-chan's groupmate.

Ah, so this Shu-chan was Kaidou Shun.

" You're Saiki-kun, right?" the older girl smiled at the thought of her little brother having friends, despite his childish fantasies. Saiki stopped staring at the deserts and nodded. " My name is Kaidou Shouko, Shun's older sister. Nice to meet you, Saiki-kun" 

" Nice to meet you as well, Kaidou-senpai" 

" No need to be so formal! You're friends with my brother, right? Then feel free to call me Nee-chan or Shouko, ne?"

" Then Shouko-senpai"

" Still a bit formal, but that'll do!" 

Shouko then handed the container to him. " Here. I saw what happened in the home economics room earlier. Shu-chan had just started to learn how to cook, so please take this!" He looked so adorable drooling! Kyaa! How could I resist feeding an adorable kohai! I'll probably end feeding him everyday just to see that cute expression!

Are you a god send?

Despite fangirling on the inside, Shouko kept a calm expression as she watched Saiki take a bite of the strawberry n' cream crepe she made and her heart exploded at the sight. Kyaaahaha!! Saiki-kun is sooo cute!! I'll definitely make you deserts everyday! Even on weekends!! 

Marry me, Senpai. 

Saiki absolutely loved the idea. Receiving different kinds of desert that would satisfy his sweet tooth everyday, would make any shitty day worth it! Thus, he declared that Kaido Shouko, is now his favorite Senpai!

That day, Saiki went home with a blissful face. 

" Mama! Quick! There's something wrong with Kusuo!" 

" Ku-chan! Are you okay?!"

Yare yare

Kaido Household

Shouko fell face flat in the comforts of her bed, her mind racing with thoughts of a certain underclassman. Her lips forms into a pout as she buries her face into her pillow. " KYAAA! HE'S SO CUTE IT HURTS MY HEART!!!!" She screamed into her pillow. 

She calms down after a few minutes of screaming how cute he is, limbs sprawled out on her bed. I wonder what kind of faces he makes when eating something sweet....( •̀ ω •́ )!




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