Gon rightfully gets Leorio as a new father

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A/N I have no clue what I'm writing. I've decided to write on my computer, it's much easier. Gon is HEAVILY OOC, sorry, I haven't watched HxH in a while... {forgive me Gon}

Gon's Point of View [POV]

Man, why do I realize now of all times that Ging was a bad father? And, I can start to see how Killua mentioned Leorio as a 'father figure', I mean, he's more worried about my safety then Ging is, I guess.


"Hey Gon, haven't you ever thought Leorio and Kurapika were kinda like our.... I don't know.. like dads.?" Killua asked me, out of the blue.

I turned my head away from the window I was staring out of.

"Well, not really. I mean, Ging is my dad, so I don't need another."

"No, Gon, not like that..."

"Huh? What do you mean then, Killua?"

"Like, better dads, yours basically abandoned you."


~'End of Flashback'~

Surely he must've had a good reason to, uh, leave me when I was a baby..? He must've had a good reason. But, Leorio does kind of act like a dad to me. We're meeting up for tea today! [the people meeting up are Leorio, Killua, Gon(ofc) and Kurapika.] We're basically like a makeshift family--







I should not think more, I need to get going.

-When they meet up, Also 3rd person POV-

"Hey Killua!"

"Hey Gon!" Killua said, sitting down on Kurapika's chair. The more Gon thought about it, the four of them were basically family.

"Hey Killua, when they get here, wanna play a board game?"

"Sure, but I'm gonna beat you!"

Kurapika came out a few seconds later with some food, along with Leorio.

"Kurapika don't you have any board games?"


"What about you, Leorio?"

"Sorry Gon--me either..." Leorio said, then taking some of Kurapika's food and wolfing it down.

"Whatever, I'll go get it." Killua said, going to grab his skateboard and head out.

"No, Killua, you stay here. Leorio watch the kids." Kurapika said, putting on his familiar blue cloak and heading out the door.

"It sounds like you and Kurapika are married Leorio~" Killua gave his familiar cat grin, and Leorio was slightly blushing from the boy's teasing.

"It kinda does sound like that, Leorio." This, coming from Gon, was enough to make Leorio's blush clear to anybody.

So, until Kurapika came back, Killua kept teasing Leorio until Leorio was a human-fied tomato.

"So, mom, what game did'ya get?" Killua asked, emphasizing on the 'mom'.

"I got Candyland, and..mom?" Kurapika was confused, and shot Leorio a puzzled look. Leorio walked over, and whispered into Kurapika's ear what Killua said about them being an old couple. Which, in turn, make Kurapika blush too.

The rest of the day went smoothly--they only played Candyland, Killua winning most of the times while Kurapika in second.

A/N sorry I didn't really know what to write lol.

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