For Once I Wish I Could See Myself

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Felix was walking from class with Jongho, the other three having had to stay behind because they were on clean-up duty, when numerous voices caught their attention. Turning the corner, they found none other than Hyunjin sitting on a bench with a dozen or so of other students, mostly Hufflepuffs, surrounding him. He was talking animatedly, everyone laughing or reacting at whatever he said, and Felix couldn't help but stop in his tracks. He'd promised Healer Kim to pass along her message to Hyunjin but, mostly...

I don't want us to be on bad terms anymore, he thought, his feet moving on their own as he began heading for the group of students. If I can just convince him to meet up later—

"Wait, Felix!" Jongho held him back, frowning a bit. "Maybe you shouldn't—"

"It'll just take a minute," he assured.

Saying so, he finished crossing the distance separating him from Hyunjin, the rest of the group falling silent as they saw him join them. It took a moment for Hyunjin to notice that his audience was no longer reacting to whatever tale he was sharing, and that's when he realized that Felix was now standing in front of him.

Their eyes met, and Felix let out a shaky breath.

"Hy- Hyunjin, I was wondering if- if we could talk later?"

Silence. Utter silence.

And then, Hyunjin looked away from him to glance to the girl sitting next to him. "Did you hear something? There's this... strange, buzzing noise in my ear. It's a bit annoying, really."

The girl started giggling, glancing at Felix, while the other students began murmuring amongst themselves. Felix felt cold, but he tried again, anyway.

"Hyunjin, please," he breathed out. "I just want us—"

"Anyway, where was I again? Got distracted, sorry," cut Hyunjin, not even looking at him anymore.

"The Quidditch match!" reminded one of the boys.

"Oh, right! Thank you! So as I was saying, we were invited to this private Quidditch match between those international teams—"

"Hyunjin!" Felix was growing desperate, his throat already clogging up with emotions. "Why- why are you acting like this? Why are you- why are you being so- so mean? It's not- it's not like you! It's not like you to be this cruel or- or to break your promises!" He was growing upset, quickly losing control of his own words. "You- you keep wasting your time when you were the one who- who sought out more opportunities to learn and- and Healer Kim is really—she's really disappointed in you! And you know what? So- so am I! I'm really- I'm really disappointed in you and what kind of person you've become!"

That finally seemed to catch Hyunjin's attention, the older finally looking at him – and the genuine hurt in his eyes was almost enough to make Felix regret the words he'd just said. But then Hyunjin rolled his eyes and reported his attention to the other students around, launching into his tale once more as if Felix wasn't even there in the first place. 

He swallowed down a sob, slowly backing away until none other than Jongho wrapped an arm around his shoulders and began gently, but firmly guiding him away. The moment they turned the corner and disappeared from sight, however, boisterous laughter made them both stop abruptly in their tracks.

"Man, did you see the guy?"

"He sounded so miserable, really!"

"He sounded like such a kid!"

"And you actually know him, Hyunjin?"

There was a scoff, then Hyunjin answered. "Have to. We grew up together. He's just clingy, though – it's become super annoying, really. I thought he'd grow out of it after he started studying here, but he's just super needy for attention."

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