☀️A New Face🌙

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|–|Hello! Tonight, I'm going to be introducing my version of Eclipse! Enjoy!|–|

It was 2:03 AM and the daycare was closed, a crudely drawn sign with the words 'Closed, come back at 6:00 AM!' with a smiley face plastered on the front doors to the daycare, held up by colorful stickers. Moon was just laying in the ballpit, asleep. As the minutes ticked by, Sun was getting bored. Trying to take Moon's place to go play, he did his best to override his AI. His rays stuck out from underneath his jester's cap, to which he jolted awake and pressed his hands against his head in an attempt to push them back in. "Sun, what are you doing?! You're going to damage us!!" Moon scolded, shoving some of his rays back into his head. "Moon, let me out! I'm bored!!" He protested, his rays sticking out again. "No!!" He yelled back in frustration, clutching his head as their thoughts and consciences were placed in the same AI. Their clothes and cap quickly changed to a dark purple in the center, maroon on the left and midnight blue on the right with symbols resembling stars, suns and moons scattered along the outfit. A sun symbol dropped from one of the bells on each of their wrists, shoes, cap and along their frills, moons and stars filling in the rest of the spaces. The sunny side of their face turned a dark indigo while the moon side had a reddish tint, extra rays sticking out and fading into red, blue and indigo. A second pair of arms sprouted from their upper abdomen, fading from red to blue. Their arms had puffy blue sleeves that faded to red with indigo frills at the cuffs, which were lined with blue and red ribbon and had 4 gold bells. As one of their eyes changed from black to blue with red sclera, the other eye changed from the same color to red with blue sclera. Removing their hands from their face, they let out a surprised squeak as they noticed their second pair of arms. "What are these?.." They questioned in awe, their eyes glowing brightly as they inspected the various constellations on their clothes and body. Testing out the new appendages, they curiously stared at the colors of their clothes and jumped a little when they heard a quiet rattling sound behind them. Looking at their tail, they sighed with relief. It had become a red crescent moon with a dark blue sky on the other side, brightly colored rays circling it and fading from red to indigo. "Who.. Who am I?.." They asked to nobody in particular, staring into a large mirror in their room with tears forming in the corners of their eyes. Suddenly, a voice rang in their head. "Sun!! What were you thinking?!? You could've broken us!" Moon screamed within the headspace, clearly stressed by his antics. "Moon! Listen, we're okay! Nothing is damaged, alright?" Sun tried to reassure him, innerly hugging him and kissing him on the head to help him calm down. Tears ran down Eclipse's face, spilling onto the floor as they hugged themselves and sobbed with joy. About an hour later, they had finally fallen asleep, curled up in a purple naptime tent with their cheek nuzzled into a pillow as saliva leaked from their mouth. Purring loudly, their tail beat the ground as one of their hands idly scratched in between their rays, as Moon was helping Sun fall asleep in their headspace. Comfortably melting into the soft cot, they were just drooling and enjoying the feeling in their sleep. {Time Skip!} "Goood mmoornningg.." They groggily mumbled out as they woke up about 3 hours later, barely awake and just laying on their stomach as they watched you enter the daycare. Looking at them, you jolted a little. "Woah! Who are you??" You questioned, curiously approaching them. After a short moment, their eyes flicked up to look at you as they yawned tiredly, stretching a bit in the process. "Mmmh.. I'm Eclipsee, whooo are youu?.." They asked in a slurred voice, their battery low and on the verge of shutting down. "I'm Y/N. What are you doing here?.." You kept asking questions about them, but you just couldn't help yourself. Putting a finger to their chin as if they were in deep thought for a moment before they answered, their eyes were close to falling shut for a second. "IIII.. Doon'tt rrealllyy knowww... I juuustt felll aslleeepp heere a feww hourrs agoo.." Their words were getting harder to understand by the minute, and they looked like they were struggling to stay awake, their eyes dim. "Are you alright? You sound tired.." You mentioned, slightly concerned. They didn't reply, curling up to maintain their current temperature, which was actually very warm considering they were made of metal. Sleepily nuzzling into their pillow again, they shut their eyes and went back to sleep as one of their arms reached back up and continued to scratch between their rays, causing them to purr loudly once more. Eventually piecing their identity together, you smiled and kissed them on the head as they rolled onto their back. Massaging their tummy, you listened intently as they started to purr even louder and practically dissolved into your touch.

|–|I hope you enjoyed this story! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful night/day!|–|

Oneshots with Sun/Moon :>Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat