☀️A New Game☀️

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|–|Hello! In this story as well as many others, Sun has an expandable pouch in his abdomen which can store foods and drinks and turns the nutrients into energy for an alternative to solar powered energy sources. Anyway, please enjoy this story!|–|

Wandering into the Superstar Daycare, you smiled a little at the adorable hand-written welcome sign Sun had made for you. Having colored it in with a burst of excitement, it consisted of a crudely drawn heart and the words 'Welcome back, friend!!' in various colors. Patting your bag filled with cans of Fizzy Faz, snacks and gifts for him. you let out a small breath you didn't realize you were holding in. You shut the doors and locked them, making sure to put a small keyring in your pocket as a routine maintenance precaution. As quiet thumps filled the room, you jolted a bit as Sun leapt into the ballpit and tackled you in a tight hug. "Y/N, YAY!! It's so great to see you again, I missed you so much!" You felt like the wind had been knocked out of you, but you endured it and hugged him back when you got enough air. "H-Hi Sunny..!" With a slight wheeze, you finally felt him let go of you as he let out an audible gasp of concern. "Oh my stars, are you okay!?" Desperately gasping for air, you coughed a little as you stood up shakily and patted him on the head. "I'm okay, just a little startled.." You told him, to which he seemed appeased as his tail swished rapidly with joy. "Oh, thank the stars!" He exclaimed, relieved that you were safe. "Anyways.. I'm here for your nightly maintenance check, alright?" Beaming, he rocked back and forth on his heels as his faceplate spun with excitement. "Ooh, that sounds like fun! Is it like a game? I love games!!" Talking for about fifteen minutes, he sounded so happy to see you. "Well, we're gonna play a game after." You told him with a little smile. His eyes filled with stars as he gasped, hugging you tight. "Oh my stars!!! We can finally play together!!" You smiled a bit more, taking his hand and leading him into the maintenance room as he laid down, vibrating in place from anticipation. "Alright. Can you keep still for me while I do a physical rundown, bud?" You asked, making sure you could do the examination without problems or interruptions. Nodding excitedly, he did his best not to move as you cleaned off his faceplate of any dirt or debris. You gently pet his rays, to which he let out a mechanical purr and nuzzled into your hand. "Woah, that feels so nice.." He mumbled sleepily, as his rays are very soft and he seems to enjoy the feeling of being pet. Smiling a little, you went lower and began to inspect what looked like a stomach. "Sunny..? What's this weird pouch for? Can you like...eat? Or drink?" He perked up a little, looking at you. "Yes, I can! I haven't ever tried to though.. It acts like a sort of.. What's it called..? A stomach?" Curious about his own inner mechanisms, he seemed confused by the concept of food. You jolted a little as you realized that you had unconsciously reached out and began to pet his tummy, to which he let out a small squeak. Spidering your fingers across the soft surface, your touches prompted a series of shrill giggles from him as he squirmed and hugged himself, seeming to want more. You stopped, not wanting to spoil him completely just yet. "Oh, friend, why'd you stoooop?? I liked that!" Sunny whined, clearly dissapointed. "Don't worry buddy, we're just starting." You reassured him, kissing him on the head. He beamed, ecstatic at your words. "I brought you Fizzy Faz. Do you want to..try it?.." You were basically just vomiting words at this point, sighing in relief as he jumped up with excitement. "Oh, stars!! Would I?!" He exclaimed, hugging you tightly. You smiled, handing him a can with the label 'Rockstar Raspberry' and a picture of Roxy on it as he inspected it curiously. Clicking open the can, he took a sip and giggled as it fizzed in his tummy. The can was drained in a few seconds, and his tummy had swelled up just a tiny bit. "Wow, that was so cool!!" He beamed happily, his tail swishing rapidly and making a loud rattling sound. You smiled, rubbing his tummy as he raised his arms to give you more space and turned his head away, embarrassed. Lightly scratching at the soft surface, you watched as he practically melted into your touch and kicked his leg like a dog. He seemed so comfortable, purring tiredly as you kept up with the tummy rubs, and he nuzzled into you. Kissing him on the cheek, you gently helped him into his bed as he snuggled you close, drifting into sleep. God, why was he so adorable?

|–|Thank you for reading and please be safe! Have an amazing day/night!|–|

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