Chapter 10

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"All I want, it is the taste that your lips allow! My my my my, Give me love!" I answered my phone. I once again looked at my alarm clock. 9:30am. Why can't people let me sleep!

"H-hello?" I didnt recogonize the number. Last time I answered a number that I didn't know, It was a prank call, let's just say it was very embarrassing. "Hello, Lucy?" A womanly voice answered. It definitely wasn't my mom. " This is Mrs. Styles, I have warned you not to come close to my son, you disobeyed me. You are no longer to see Harold."

"You can't do that! I love him!" I stopped right there. Did I really just say that? Yes, i guess I did. I do love him.

There was a cackling laugh on the other end, "Love? Oh no child. TYou have no idea what love is. I can assure you, he will lose interest in you soon enough."

"You don't know that!" A tear ran down my cheeks. I don't believe her. He was so sweet and loving towards me. All this can't end.

"If you want to say goodbye today you better hurry....time is running out..." Mrs. Styles hangs up. I just sit there all wrapped up in my bed sheets all warm and cozy. This is sure a wake up call. I picked up my phone again. "Hi! You have reached Elle! I can't com-" I hung up. Why hasnt she been here for me. I thought we were best friends.

"All I want, it is the taste that your lips allow! My my my my, Give me love!" My phone was ringing again. I looked down hoping it was Harry. "Hello?" I said hesitently. "Lucy come to the school right away! There is something I need to tell you in person." He sounds upset. Almost like hes has been crying. Kind of like me. " Okay Harry, but I think I know what you are going to say." I hang up once again and get ready.

I wasn't feeling it today. So i just put on a zip up Jack Wills hoodie and sweats, and put my hair in a messy bun. I didnt bother putting a lot of make up on. just masscara.

I had a bowl of cereal and told my mum goodbye. I got in my car. I was freezing in there. I hurried to get the engine going so I can crank up the heat.

I pull up in the parking lot and barely anyone is there. I look around and I see Harry sitting in his car. Just sitting there, in deep thought. I get out and walk over to the idle car. I tapped on the window with my finger and Harry slowly tuns his ead towards me. His eyes were red and water trails from his tears. I opened the door and Ed Sheeran was quietly playing on the radio. I slowly sit in the seat next to him and close the door.

"Lucy, did my mom call you?" He asked slowly. I nodded," What's going to happen?" I asked. Tears were theartening to fall. Harry looks over and takes my hand in his. His thumbs slowly rubbing my knuckles. "My mum is send me away to America. I'm going to live with my aunt." He choked. I put my hand over my mouth. My vision clouded up again. "Please don't cry." Harry said as tears began to roll down his cheeks once more. "I can't bare to see you upset." He grabs my shoulders and hugs me tightly.

"You never loved yourself half and much, as I love you." The radio was still on. I tightened my grip around his neck. "When do you leave?" I weakly asked. It began to rain. Great. Just to fit my mood. "Tomorrow ." He quietly whispered. My heart stopped.

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