Chapter 8

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"Good Morning beautiful." Harry whispers in my ear while running his thumb over my cheek. I slightly opened my eyes. Harry's eye was yet again purple. His bruises were darker than the night before. "It's morning already?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Mmhm." Harry smiled. "C'mon love, I'll make you breakfast."

We both saunter into the kitchen. I made tea while he made some eggs. I looked out the window, dark clouds hung over the city. "Do you want to go on a walk?" I asked. He half smiled and looked at our ready to eat food. We both sat down at the table, "But I'm all bruised up, this won't be embarrassing for you? I mean I did lost." I put my hand over his and tingled our fingers together. "I'm not ashamed of you, I'm so happy with what we have." I smiled. He nodded, "A walk it is." We hurried and ate.

We both changed into some jeans and t shirts. Today was our some what lazy day. I get to spend the whole day with this guy. "You ready?" I said peeking into Harry's bathroom. He struggled to put his shirt on, the scraps looked like they really hurt. "Here lemme me help." I walked over and he put his head through. He pulled the hem down. "Thanks love."


We walked down a path way to the park hand in band. "I have a question Lu." Harry spoke up. I smiled, "Anything." "Okay, what you said in the kitchen, you're glad what we have? what are we exactly?" that took me by surprise. I wasn't really sure what we were yet. "To be honest, I don't really know. I mean we went in a couple if dates- well attempted." Harry laughed. "But I want to be more." I said. It was true. I liked Harry a lot and I can definitely see myself loving him. We came across a park bench and sat down. "I want to be more than friends Lucy, I really do! But maybe were not ready yet?" That can be true, we have had many interruptions on our dates. I nodded, but still disappointed. He stood up, "Lets continue." He took my hand and helped me up.

Lucky there weren't kids there. Abandoned places are more fun! It was a little chilly, not as bad as weather has been the last couple days. The leaves on the trees were a beautiful orange- red. I was glad I had my grey mitt beanie to keep my ears warm!

"Pass the ball Derek! I'm wide open!" I quickly turned to face the voices a couple yards away. It was Derek and his pose. "Lucy..." Harry said tightening his grip, "Don't worry about the-"

"Hey it's Curly and Lucy!" Derek and them walked towards us with their sweat rags. One of the boys was fiddling with the football. "What do you want Derek?" I said. I was pretty fed up seeing him. Harry put me behind him. "Will you leave us alone?" Harry asked. "What you don't Luke out friendly games?" Derek smirked. "There anything put friendly you clown." Harry said. He was getting annoyed. "Hey you better watch your mouth, or you're going to lose something quite important to you." I gripped his t-shirt. All of a sudden I got frighten of Derek. I know what he's capable of now. He wasn't going to try to take me away is he?

Harry's breathing sped a little,"If you touch her, I swear I will kick your ass." Derek chuckled, "Two things, one, I've kicked yours before, and two, Lucy loves being touched." Harry pushed Derek roughly into his group behind him. "Hey! Go home!" We all took at the park gates. Kenny the park ranger. He was a stickler. The kids love the old man, but he's tougher on us teenagers. Derek leaned in to Harry, "Watch your back, Curly." He whispered. He finally turned around and they left.

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