Chapter 5 - Part 2

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I then went to go find and bring Clint back and so I did.

*Time skip again becuse yeah*
We then tested Tony's wrist time travel braclet of some sort and Clint had volunteered to try it out for us I kept making sure that he wanted to do it and he was reassuring me saying he was, and so we then started it up and he time traveled.

Once he came back he said that it works and shows us proof then we all moved to the planning room and started discussing what would happen next, as we need to plan everything that we do and also have loads of back up plans.

After a long months work of planning we was now ready to do this. We all walked back onto the room that we had set up the time travel and we all got ready in our given teams.

And so we all went to the Times we were given and time traveled there. Clint and I went to some place called Vormir in 2014 for the soul stone.

(Ok imma not do the scene were Nat sacrifices herself becuse I cry everytime I see it so imma skip it to when they are all fighting Thanos again in 3rd person till Wanda is back)

Hours later everyone was quite and upset about Natasha's sacrifice. The new Thanos then time traveled to our time to this time 'wipe out all existence' in his words.

The Avengers were on the side where the compound was now destroyed and not many of them but then on Thanos side behind him there was billions of things.

After Steve was standing staring at what was happening in front of him he heard something from coms in his ear "on your left." And so he looked to his left and a portal opened up. Not long after loads more portals opened up and everyone coming out of said portals.

This time it seems like we have out numbered Thanos so called 'army'.

Wanda's pov
Once everyone was out of the portals they closed up behind us and we stood waiting for everyone else until all portals were closed.

After Steve said 'assemble' everyone charged into battle and then thanos 'army' charged also making thus hole place an epic battle.

As soon as I saw T-challa get hit by Thanos I decided I should face him and so I landed in front of him.

"You Took... everything from me." I said to him.

"I don't even know who you are."

"Oh... you will."

He then starts coming towards me and so I started using more of my power bringing me up so I was flying and also bringing up some rubble that was on the floor and put them in piles and thew them at Thanos as he was running towards me. After I was done I jumped in front of him and threw balls of my power at him causing him to go backwards. Giving T-challa the time to get the gauntlet again but then he gets caught by one of the bad ugly ass wizards. (I can't remember his name😂)
Peter then takes the gauntlet trying to get it closer to Scott.

Meanwhile I was still fighting Thanos, as I was under him holding his double bladed sword away from me as he tried pushing it closer to me my powers were too strong for him and so I threw him away causing him to fly backwards it snapped one of the blades and it flies out of his hand to the ground. I then didn't waste any time and I restrained him as much as I could lifting him up in the air with some rubble with him taking away all his armour then there were loads of shots from a ship in the air and I tried to stop one heading towards me but it hit the ground causing me to let Thanos out of the hold I had him in my powers as I flew back from the impact of the shot hitting the ground.

Shots were still being fired to the ground but then it suddenly stops for a while as it points to the sky and then starts shooting again, we were all confused as to why it was no longer shooting the ground but the sky now.

But what ever it was it flew straight through the ship like a knife through butter, and so the ship had exploded and fell to the ground.

It was non other than Captain Marvel.

I saw her go to Peter who was on the floor clenched onto the gauntlet and Carol then has the gauntlet and Pete said to her that he don't know how she would get through all of the rest of Thanos 'army' I then flew down and said "Don't worry kid."

Then some more people came over to us and so we all started walking like the bad bitches we were leaving Pete behind us. We all started fighting again then I saw Valkyrie heading straight towards 2 big floating monsters... wierd I know but anyway, I helped her out by lifting them upwards away from her as she flew slicing one with her sword it then fell down to the ground. And so I moved and carried on with fighting.

Thanos then threw his blade into the last time machine we had and it caused a blast that threw Carol back dropping the gauntlet it was now near Tony and so he turns to see it there on the floor and so he goes to it as he also saw Thanos going for it too. Then he tackled Thanos so he couldn't get it and then thanos hit Tony away causing Thor to jump into the action so he could stop Thanos from getting the gauntlet. Cap then jumped on his back to help Thor but then thanos hit them both then picked up the gauntlet and so Carol flew down and started beating him up but he stops her hand from trying to grab the gauntlet and throws her away. And puts it on, as he was about to click his fingers Carol was back and saved it pulling his hand down trying to get it off. But then he takes a stone out and puts it in his hand and punches Carol away.

Tony sits up struggling and looks at Dr. Stephen strange. And he puts one finger up meaning that he is reminding Tony there is only one victory that happened.

Thanos then puts the stone back into the gauntlet causing him to groan as the power was rushing through him. Tony grabbed the gauntlet, tugging at it to take it off. Thanos then obviously gets mad and starts kneeing Tony and hitting him but everytime he goes to hit Tony he catches it. And then he get more mad and pushes him away.

Thanos being a 💫drama queen💫 looked at the gauntlet slowly and then clicked his fingers but nothing happened. Thank fuck.

Then looks again even more
💫dramatically💫 and sees that the stones aren't there, he then looks back at Tony to see he is on his knees and the stones moving up to wear they would've been on the gauntlet. As the power runs through Tony he makes no noise. But just keeps looking at Thanos and then says "and I... am. Iron-Man." (Chills. Literal. Chills)
He then clicks his fingers and all of Thanos stuff and his so called army turn into dust as they should.

Thanos was last to turn into dust and then once everything was gone Tony started struggling to walk or even move

(Imma not do Tony's death scene also becuse I cry at it as well so funnnnn. Haha not.)

Yelena Belova & Y/NTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon