Empty Rooms and Goodbyes

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Olive's POV

I leave for London tomorrow. Me and Peter spent the day packing up my room making sure that I take all the niceties on the plane. Me and Mads had a plan to go into a local store to get a couple of bed sheets, duvet cover and pillow cases for our room along with some other things if we needed them. Our student accommodation came with pillows, duvet with the bed that was in the room. I didn't need to take much apart from nearly my whole wardrobe but also all the books that I have. I didn't exactly need to take my whole wardrobe but after all the pictures I got from Mads where she had 4 big suitcases full off clothes it was kind of hard not to, even though with my whole wardrobe being packed only 2 big suitcases were filled. I guess I didn't have as many clothes as I thought, its probably because a lot of my stuff is also at my dads house. I wanted to leave them there, so whenever I came back home to my dads I didn't need to bring my suitcase with me.

Peter sat on my bed as the room was getting emptier and emptier by the hour. Most of my clutter was now packed. The walls were now a blank canvas. There was nothing on my desk apart from my laptop and my lamp, my bookshelf was empty, everything was packed and ready for tomorrow. I had 2 big suitcases along with 4 boxes. Luckily my dad is coming with me and Mads tomorrow. He hired a small van to take us into London along with all of our stuff, he was also going to help us both set up our rooms. Me and Mads made sure that we were on the same floor along with 5 others.

It started to feel real now. I was leaving Peter, my mom, my dad just to go and study journalism. I now started to think if this is what I really wanted, it was when me and Mads first started applying and getting things sorted. Now, I am doubting my decisions, I couldn't just back out now I had to go through with it. I had no choice.

Peter's POV

The look on Olive's faced concerned me a little, she had that look of doubt. Was she doubting her decisions? Was she doubting herself?

"Olive are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah... I mean maybe. I guess its all getting to me now."


"I am leaving everything behind to go and study journalism in London. I could be studying it here, I feel like I should be here with you. Helping you, especially with everything that is going on." She replied.

"Olive. You know that I don't like it when you help me as it is, I nearly lost you a few months ago because of Dr Connors. I can't let that happen again because I can't lose you."

"What if I lose you Peter? What if I lose you to one of these people? I will never be able to forgive myself for moving across the world and not being able to feel you or talk to you before something bad happened to you." She cried out.

"You are not losing me, I promise."

I pulled her in to kiss her. More came off that kiss. I felt a different sort of spark, a new spark as our lips stayed connected. Her hand moved up my thigh, as mine did the same. She took her top off and I took of mine, she bit her lip. She never bites her lip, she looked so hot in doing too that it just made me more turned on than I already was. We both took our trousers off before laying down on her bed.

"I've never done anything like this before." She whispered in my ear.

"I haven't either." I whispered back.

This is all new to both of us. I've never been this intimate with a girl and even though it was new it was fucking amazing. She is fucking amazing.

"Wow." She said as she got the chance to catch her breath.

"Even though we have never done it, it was pretty amazing." I replied.

"I am glad that it was with you and not anyone else." She said with a smile.

"Me too, I love you Olive."

"I love you too."

Olive's POV

The words that I said to Peter I really meant them. I wouldn't want to be this intimate with anyone else apart from him. I gave my all to him and he gave his all to me. Leaving him tomorrow is going to be really hard, I am afraid of what is going to happen to him whilst I am away. I mean what more is there to come. Oscorp is literally hiding stuff about Max from other employees, it makes you question in what other things they are hiding.

Me and Peter put on our pyjamas and went to the living room to watch my favourite film, Letters From Juliet. He didn't mind that I liked to watch it all the time as secretly it was his favourite film too. He says that he will get himself a job hopefully at Oscorp and save up to take me to Verona. He wanted to explore the gorgeous city but he also hoped that I would write a letter which the Secretaries of Juliet would reply to. I didn't think they were real until I searched it up. Its amazing what they do, they bring hope to love but they also tell you the truth and try to fix things in your relationship.

This was my last time sleeping next to Peter probably for a while. I couldn't sleep. I was so nervous, everything is going to be new to me and it started to feel overwhelming. I made sure to hold onto him a lot tighter than normal as he slept heavily next to me. I didn't want to let him go, not now that we grew a lot closer together.

It's Just Me and You (TASM Andrew Garfield)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara