Meeting The New Max

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Peters POV

I stayed at Olive's during the last weeks that I had with her. Its now only 5 days until she leaves for London. I've come to accept that we both have different dreams because I hope that we will come back to each other no matter where our dreams take us. She is an amazing writer and I hope that she will publish more books in the future. She definitely settled for an accessible easy career, even though her first book has already gained so much popularity. I keep reading the copy she gave me but ever since she found out that the book has gained a lot of popularity she doesn't want to talk about it. I'm not sure whether it is the fact that she didn't think it had that much potential to happen, or whether she didn't want that to happen. Olive definitely has a special gift when it comes to writing, whenever a short story was published into the school paper I would read it, well lets just say I kept a few copies. Each time I would read them you could tell how connected she was with each character and how each short story was never the same.

The last few weeks have been amazing with Olive. We have had our lazy days where we would watch movies all day, we had the days where we would go to Central Park where we would get coffee at our favourite café and days where we would go out shopping for new clothes and stationary to take with her to university. She would also buy me a couple of things when shopping which was really sweet. At her moms we would often get take out food and watch a movie with her mom before we went to sleep.

Just as I apologised to Olive after seeing Harry Osborn I was welcomed to Max at Time Square, a guy I saved from being hit by a car when I was dealing with the Russian MOB. Max was full off electricity, and he liked that. He felt powerful. You could tell he never felt power in his life until that moment. I didn't know what this electricity would do. I wanted to help him, I didn't know how he ended up like this. There was an officer hiding, as soon as Max stepped in a puddle and lit up with electricity the officer shot him. Max flipped and used his strong powers to terrify the city. I was unlucky in trying to stop him as one of my web shooters broke. The only importance I now had was to make sure that no one was hurt, even though my top priority was to help Max. He didn't believe me, after he became a target he wanted someone to blame and the person was me. He got angry and that's when his powers got even stronger targeting all the people in Time Square. I made sure that no one on the red stairs touched the rails as his electric powers clinged onto the railings. Fighting him became so new to me, I didn't know what to do he was pumped with electricity and the next thing you saw was his powers getting even stronger from the electric build boards. I had to stop him, as soon as I saw the fire engine I had an idea. I sprayed him down with the hose from the fire truck which made him weak, weak enough for me to not fight him. The thing is it has been on my mind ever since, I felt so bad for Max, you could clearly see that he lacked in power and confidence. He just wanted someone to remember him, when he asked if I knew him and I said yes you could see him lit up with joy.

I needed to know more about who Max was, as Olive still had her internship at Oscorp I sent her there to check some files about him whilst I went to see Harry. He told me he was dying, he told me that I could help him but I was unsure as to how until he showed me one of my dads videos about human spider hybrids. This was made to cure Norman Osborn but unfortunately when my parents died and he stole the files and they couldn't finish the project. When he picked up the news paper which had Spiderman as the front cover I was now clear as to what he needed, my blood. As the front cover had my name as the photographer he assumed that I knew him. He didn't know that it was actually me. I had to lie to him. "I don't want to end up like me father Peter." were the words he said to me as I was trying to leave. I had to help him.

Olive's POV

Me and Peter had some really good times these past few weeks but the most memorable I would have to say is when we were both at Oscorp and I was trying to do some research into Max Dillon and he was in Harry Osborn's office. This shit seemed weird to me because as soon as I searched up his name moments later the search was blocked. Its like they didn't want anyone to know who he was. When the security came that was my queue to leave. They kept calling my name as if I did something wrong, as if I wasn't meant to search up his name. I sped to the nearest lift but as I tripped Peter was there to catch me. We hid in the nearest closet as they were trying to find me. He giggled as he found out that I was in trouble but he didn't like in what I had to say next and I didn't like in what he had to say to me after. Harry Osborn was dying and he needed Peters blood to cure him. Peter distracted the security as I got into the lift. This is where I actually first met Harry Osborn. At first he frightened me but talking to him was nice, he could tell I was in a rush and he seemed a bit upset by that, its like he was so eager to talk to me even though we were both leaving the building. This is also where I found out that he is kind of dating Gwen Stacy and how Peter and him wanted to arrange a double date before I leave for London.

I only have five days until I leave for London and ever since the day that Peter met the new Max Dillon in Time Square he started becoming distant. He was worried about Max and wanted to help him but he was also worried about Harry and the things that could happen if he did give him his blood to cure him. Probably what made it worse was me leaving him which made me want to stay. He needed me.

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